回复 1 # chenlu1986 的帖子
矢量向矢量投影就是矢量点乘再除以投影轴的模(y.*z)/|z|,但我觉得你貌似你是想降噪才去投影的。所以我编写了一段简单的Matlab程序给你看看。- %Projection using the method of Global Projection denoise
- clear;
- clc;
- load LorenzSNR.mat;
- dim=9;
- tau=1;
- [X,XT]=phasespace(Y,dim,tau);%reconstruct the time series
- [u,s,v]=svd(X);
- s=diag(s);
- plot(s);
- p=input('确定阶数p的大小:');
- v1=v(:,1:p);
- Y=X*v1*v1';
- plot(Y(:,1));
- phasespace的代码
- function [Y,T]=phasespace(x,dim,tau)
- %Syntax: [Y,T]=phasespace(x,dim,tau)
- %___________________________________
- %
- % The phase space reconstruction of a time series x whith the Method Of Delays
- % (MOD), in embedding dimension m and for time dalay tau.
- %
- % Y is the trajectory matrix in the reconstructed phase space.
- % T is the phase space length.
- % x is the time series.
- % dim is the embedding dimension.
- % tau is the time delay.
- %
- %
- % Reference:
- % Takens F (1981): Detecting strange attractors in turbulence. Lecture notes in
- % Mathematics, 898. Springer.
- %
- %
- % Alexandros Leontitsis
- % Department of Education
- % University of Ioannina
- % 11 Mar 2001.
- if nargin<1 | isempty(x)==1
- error('You should provide a time series.');
- else
- % x must be a vector
- if min(size(x))>1
- error('Invalid time series.');
- end
- x=x(:);
- % N is the time series length
- N=length(x);
- end
- if nargin<2 | isempty(dim)==1
- dim=2;
- else
- % dim must be scalar
- if sum(size(dim))>2
- error('dim must be scalar.');
- end
- % dim must be an integer
- if dim-round(dim)~=0
- error('dim must be an integer.');
- end
- % dim must be positive
- if dim<=0
- error('dim must be positive.');
- end
- end
- if nargin<3 | isempty(tau)==1
- tau=1;
- else
- % tau must be scalar
- if sum(size(tau))>2
- error('tau must be scalar.');
- end
- % tau must be an integer
- if tau-round(tau)~=0
- error('tau must be an integer.');
- end
- % tau must be positive
- if tau<=0
- error('tau must be positive.');
- end
- end
- % Total points on phase space
- T=N-(dim-1)*tau;
- % Initialize the phase space
- Y=zeros(T,dim);
- % Phase space reconstruction with MOD
- for i=1:T
- Y(i,:)=x(i+(0:dim-1)*tau)';
- end
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