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发表于 2006-4-3 16:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<P>各位老师朋友,我的模型的材料是一种塑料,所以我选择是VISCO106,<BR>我想问 1.KINH input.       啥意思?<BR>             2.弹性摸量和泊松比,应力应变曲线我是按文献里给的数据输入的,材料属性选  了nonlinear/inelastic/rate independent/kinematic hardening plasticity/mises plasticity/mutilinear下的应力应变。出现下列问题,那位大虾帮我分析以下,谢谢!!!<BR><BR>*** WARNING ***                         CP =      39.922   TIME= 15:23:27<BR> Both solid model and finite element model boundary conditions have been <BR> applied to this model.  As solid loads are transferred to the nodes or  <BR> elements, they can overwrite directly applied loads.    <BR>       <BR>*** ERROR ***                           CP =      56.609   TIME= 15:35:42<BR> Element 1, which uses viscoplastic element type 106 and material 1, may <BR> not use TB,KINH input.                                                           <BR><BR>*** ERROR ***                           CP =      56.812   TIME= 15:36:12<BR> Isotropic material 1 has a value of Poisson's ratio of 0.5 which causes <BR> a divide by zero.  Consider using either a hyperelastic material or     <BR> reducing Poisson's ratio to 0.4999.       <BR>                              </P>
<P> *** ERROR ***                           CP =      56.906   TIME= 15:36:32<BR> For material 1 at temperature 0, the initial slope of the stress-strain <BR> curve based on the TB,KINH table ( 400 ) is less than EX ( 532700000    <BR> ).                                                                      <BR></P>

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发表于 2006-4-4 01:04 | 显示全部楼层


The bilinear kinematic hardening model (BKIN) usually cannot represent large-strain effects well because of the constant tangent modulus. The true stress-strain slope of most metals usually changes as the strains increase, but the bilinear model fails to account for this due to its simple <BR>representation. This means that the yield surface can translate forever in principal stress space, even allowing for the unrealistic possibility of passing through the origin. <BR>There are two multilinear kinematic hardening models available in ANSYS, namely MKIN and KINH. Both models use the sublayer model, which can be thought of as a weighted response of multiple elasto-perfectly-plastic ‘layers.’ A simplified view of this is that, as a layer ‘yields,’ it becomes perfectly plastic, so it provides no stiffness response; this allows for the modeling of a piecewise linear curve. The author recommends using KINH over MKIN due to the following reasons: <BR>&#8226; KINH allows up to 20 points per stress-strain curve, whereas MKIN only allows up to 5 points. <BR>&#8226; For KINH, input is done via TBPT commands, which is more consistent with other piecewiselinear models such as MISO and MELAS, but MKIN relies on TBDATA input. <BR>&#8226; KINH allows up to 40 temperature-dependent curves, whereas MKIN allows only 5 temperature-dependent curves. Furthermore, in the case of temperature-dependent curves,MKIN requires each curve to have the same strain values, whereas KINH does not.KINH is the same as MKIN with TBOPT=2, or use of Rice’s model for temperature-dependency. <BR>As a result, KINH behaves the same as MKIN (TBOPT=2), so, due to the reasons mentioned above, the user should consider using KINH.
发表于 2006-4-4 01:12 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-4 20:13 | 显示全部楼层
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