回复 楼主 小乖小傻 的帖子
- function morse(varargin)
- % MORSE converts text to playable morse code in wav format
- %
- % morse(text)
- % morse(text,file);
- %
- % Description:
- %
- % If the wave file name is specified, then the funtion will output a wav
- % file with that file name. If only text is specified, then the function
- % will only play the morse code wav file without saving it to a wav file.
- %
- % Examples:
- %
- % morse('Hello');
- % morse('How are you doing my friend?','morsecode.wav');
- %
- % Copyright 2005 Fahad Al Mahmood
- % Version: 1.0 $ $Date: 05-Jun-2005
- text = varargin{1};
- if nargin==2
- file = varargin{2};
- end
- Fs=11025;
- load wav;
- Dit = wav(1106:2121);
- ssp = wav(2121:3133);
- Dah = wav(3133:6176);
- lsp = wav(6176:23022);
- % Defining Characters & Numbers
- A = [Dit;ssp;Dah];
- B = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- C = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- D = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- E = [Dit];
- F = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- G = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- H = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- I = [Dit;ssp;Dit];
- J = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- K = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- L = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- M = [Dah;ssp;Dah];
- N = [Dah;ssp;Dit];
- O = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- P = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- Q = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- R = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- S = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- T = [Dah];
- U = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- V = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- W = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- X = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- Y = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- Z = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- period = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- comma = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- question = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- slash_ = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- n1 = [Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- n2 = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- n3 = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- n4 = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dah];
- n5 = [Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- n6 = [Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- n7 = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- n8 = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit;ssp;Dit];
- n9 = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dit];
- n0 = [Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah;ssp;Dah];
- text = upper(text);
- text1 = text + 0
- panjang=length(text1);
- i=1;
- for j=1;panjang
- if text1(j)~= 32
- text(i)=text1(j);
- i=i+1;
- end
- end
- vars ={'period','comma','question','slash_'};
- morsecode=[];
- for i=1:length(text)
- if isvarname(text(i))
- morsecode = [morsecode;eval(text(i))];
- elseif ismember(text(i),'.,?/')
- x = findstr(text(i),'.,?/');
- morsecode = [morsecode;eval(vars{x})];
- elseif ~isempty(str2num(text(i)))
- morsecode = [morsecode;eval(['n' text(i)])];
- elseif text(i)==' '
- morsecode = [morsecode;ssp;ssp];
- end
- morsecode = [morsecode;ssp;ssp;ssp];
- end
- if exist('file','var')
- wavwrite(morsecode,11025,16,file);
- else
- wavplay(morsecode);
- end
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