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[阅读写作] [转帖] Integrating LaTex, BiBTeX, EndNote, apacite, apa

发表于 2006-1-17 20:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<P><a href="http://www.let.uu.nl/~Hugo.Quene/personal/tools/latex.hqall.html" target="_blank" >http://www.let.uu.nl/~Hugo.Quene/personal/tools/latex.hqall.html</A></P>
<P> Integrating LaTex, BiBTeX, EndNote, apacite, apa</P>

<P>0. Preliminaries<BR>This document describes my solution for integrating MiKTeX, LaTeX, BiBTeX, EndNo<BR>te, apacite, and apa, on my laptop computer running Windows 2000. This is primar<BR>ily intended as personal documentation for a personal solution, but others may f<BR>ind useful tips or hints or pointers in this documentation. Several resources ha<BR>ve been very helpful during my tinkering:<BR>The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e<BR>Managing a one-person TeX system.<BR>FAQ on Installing a new package.<BR>FAQ on Where to put new files.<BR>Kopka, H. &amp; Daly, P.W. (1999) A Guide to LaTeX: Document Preparation for Beginne<BR>rs and Advanced Users (third edition). Harlow, U.K.: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-<BR>39825-7.<BR>In this documentation, I will refer to this book as the Guide. Its section 4.3.6<BR> and Appendix B are immediately relevant to my integration problem.</P>
<P><BR>1. Export a BiBTeX database file from EndNote<BR>Verify that cited references have valid Label field, and that this Label field i<BR>s identical to the keys used in \cite{key}, \citeA{key} (and similar) commands i<BR>n the LaTeX document.<BR>Choose BibTeX output format for references: File &gt; Output Styles &gt; BiBTeX export<BR>. If necessary, start Styles Manager (File &gt; Output Styles &gt; Open Style Manager)<BR> to put this output style in the shortlist of output styles.<BR>Select necessary references or select all references.<BR>Export selected references to output file.<BR>For file name, give the library name with today's date, e.g. HQ060202. In this d<BR>ocumentation, this name of the exported library is referred to as ENLIBRARY in c<BR>apitals, this variable should be replaced with the actual filename in actual use<BR>.<BR>For extension, give .bib.</P>
<P><BR>2. add package apacite<BR>Retrieve this package from (a mirror of) <a href="http://www.ctan.org" target="_blank" >www.ctan.org</A> and extract its content in<BR>to the local tree, as explained in the FAQs cited above. In my case, this requir<BR>ed some tinkering to override the absolute and non-local paths specified in the<BR>ZIP file. Unzipping had to be done under human supervision.<BR>Read its documentation before you continue, that helps.<BR>This package modifies the way cited references are listed in the text and in the<BR> Bibliography section of your article. It's very neat, and I thank the authors f<BR>or their work!</P>
<P><BR>3. add package apa<BR>Retrieve this package from (a mirror of) <a href="http://www.ctan.org" target="_blank" >www.ctan.org</A> and extract its content in<BR>to the local tree, as explained in the FAQs cited above. In my case, this requir<BR>ed some tinkering to override the absolute and non-local paths specified in the<BR>ZIP file. Unzipping had to be done under human supervision.<BR>Read its documentation before you continue, that helps.<BR>This package drastically changes the default behavior of LaTeX: Acknowledgements<BR> are printed as Author's Note at the end of the paper, Tables and Figures are pr<BR>inted at the end, etc. In distribution mode (jou), it produces as-printed two-co<BR>lumn output. It's very neat, and again I thank the authors for their work!</P>
<P><BR>4. rehash<BR>In order to ensure that MiKTeX can find all the installed packages, the local tr<BR>ee must be updated first. This can be achieved by calling Start &gt; Programs &gt; MiK<BR>TeX &gt; MiKTeX Options. Choose "Roots" tab, and select the local TEXMF directory t<BR>ree. Then press the "Refresh FNDB" button to refresh the database of local filen<BR>ames. This ensures that MiKTeX will find the apacite and apa packages and their<BR>associated files.<BR>For more background, see the preliminary documentation mentioned in section 0 ab<BR>ove.</P>
<P><BR>5. build document<BR>Create DOCUMENT.tex in a text editor.<BR>Make sure that the preamble of this document contains the line</P>
<P>\usepackage{apacite}<BR>In the document, cite references by means of the apacite commands<BR>\cite&lt;prefix&gt;[postfix]{keys} (within parentheses) and<BR>\citeA&lt;prefix&gt;[postfix]{keys} (without parentheses).<BR>Here is an example:</P>
<P>This is already known since antiquity \cite{Aris10}.<BR>As \citeA[p.~X]{Abra82} tell us...<BR>Eventually, this should come out as:</P>
<P>This is already known since antiquity (Aristoteles, 1910).<BR>As Abrahams and Shaw (1982, p. X) tell us...<BR>After the main text, add lines</P>
<P>This tells LaTeX that unsolved references can be found in the file ENLIBRARY.bib<BR>.</P>
<P><BR>6. putting it all together<BR>This is in fact done with the help of several intermediate files. To make life e<BR>asy, make sure that (a copy of) ENLIBRARY.bib and your LaTeX DOCUMENT.tex are in<BR> the same directory, indicated here as DIR. Then we don't have to worry about fi<BR>nding the right versions of the right files.<BR>Open a Command Prompt window, and cd to the working directory DIR.<BR>Enter the following sequence of commands, replacing the uppercase words with you<BR>r filename. Make sure that you DO NOT ENTER EXTENSIONS, since this may prevent L<BR>aTeX and/or BiBTeX from finding the necessary auxiliary files with different ext<BR>ensions. command comment<BR>latex DOCUMENT \bibliography command in DOCUMENT.tex tells LaTeX where to find u<BR>nfound references<BR>bibtex DOCUMENT not bibtex ENLIBRARY, as I attempted repeatedly !! See Guide p.3<BR>12<BR>latex DOCUMENT<BR>latex DOCUMENT<BR>latex DOCUMENT run LaTeX at least twice after running BiBTeX, see Guide p.312 an<BR>d BiBTeX documentation. Running it three times does not seem to hurt.</P>
<P><BR>7. Finish<BR>... et voilà, the resulting DOCUMENT.dvi can be viewed or processed further.<BR>Desiderata<BR>In the exported EndNote database, "hard" capitals in titles should be protected<BR>against downcaseing by means of {}, as in {E}nglish (see Guide, p.321). Currentl<BR>y, the apacite package modifies all words in the title unless so protected. I ha<BR>ve not found out how to let EndNote produce its output in the desired format.<BR>My current solution is to invoke a text editor, and replace the necessary words<BR>explicitly, e.g. replace English by {E}nglish. Not nice, but it works. This must<BR> be done before you put it all together (section 6)!<BR>For the record, my main ENLIBRARY.bib file contains the following words or phras<BR>es in titles that have to be adjusted:<BR>adjectives or language names: American, Chinese, Dutch, English, Estonian, Frenc<BR>h, Greek, Indian, Japanese, Kanada, Latin, Portuguese, Thai, Scots, Welsh.<BR>names: Peter Ladefoged, Richard Cureton, Gibbs<BR>concepts: S, S-Plus, C, SPSS, TRACE, MLwiN<BR>A similar point applies to special characters in names and in titles, which EndN<BR>ote just exports as é and not as \'e. These characters must also be adjusted ma<BR>nually in the ENLIBRARY.bib file.</P>
<P>Last update on 6 Feb 2002 by HQ</P>

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-17 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
<P>发信人: libq (听雨), 信区: office_tools<BR>标  题: Re: Integrating LaTex, BiBTeX, EndNote, apacite, apa<BR>发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Fri Mar 18 13:13:26 2005), 转信</P>
<P>对大家比较有用的是1.endnote-&gt;bibTeX,我用过了,导出的效果很好<BR>没有他说得那么复杂,导出style选BibTeX Export,然后像正常插入参考文献一样插入wor<BR>d,word里出来的就是符合BibTeX格式的文本,复制到文本文件里,另存为xx.bib就可以用<BR>了</P>
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