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发表于 2006-3-27 02:16
回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2006年3月11日
<P>========================================================================<BR>2006高性能机群计算暑期短期课程将在香港举办<BR>Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 21:17:04 +0800<BR>From: Dr. Liao <liliao@hkbu.edu.hk></P>
<P>Announcement of Summer Short Course 2006<BR>http://www.sci.hkbu.edu.hk/hpccc/index.php</P>
<P>We are very glad to announce the launch of our second summer short course on <BR>high performance cluster computing (Summer Short Course 2006). The short course <BR>will be hosted by the High Performance Cluster Computing Centre (HPCCC) of Hong <BR>Kong Baptist University from Aug. 7 to Aug. 9.</P>
<P>During the 3-day short course, each attendee will a) learn the basic <BR>information and components about the cluster facility; b) master the <BR>fundamental techniques in using the cluster computer; c) get the first hand <BR>experience in using the cluster technology; and d) be exposed to several <BR>scientific applications of cluster computing. A certificate will be issued for <BR>each attendee upon completion.</P>
<P>For more information on the summer short course, please contact Mr. Morris Law <BR>at morris@hkbu.edu.hk <mailtmorris@hkbu.edu.hk></P>
<P>For more information about the HPCCC at Hong Kong Baptist University, please <BR>visit http://www.sci.hkbu.edu.hk/hpccc/index.php</P>
<P>2006 International Conference on Design of Experiments and Its Applications<BR>July 9-13, 2006, Tianjin, P. R. China</P>
<P>Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University<BR>School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University<BR>The Key Laboratory of Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics, <BR>Ministry of Education</P>
<P>Chinese Association for Applied Statistics<BR>Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics<BR>Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University<BR>Department of Statistics, East China Normal University<BR>International Chinese Statistical Association<BR>The National Statistical Society of China<BR>The Uniform Design Association of China</P>
<P>The focus of this conference is on recent developments in the theory <BR>and application of Design of Experiments and related areas, including <BR>Statistical Process Control and Biostatistics etc. The principal aim <BR>is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas. It will be held from July <BR>9 to 13, 2006, at Nankai University, Tianjin, P. R. China.</P>
<P>Scientific Committee</P>
<P>Chair: Ching-Shui Cheng University of California at Berkeley, USA <BR>& Academia Sinica, Taiwan </P>
<P>Jiahua Chen University of Waterloo, Canada <BR>Kai-Tai Fang Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong<BR>Guoying Li Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC <BR>Dennis K. J. Lin Pennsylvania State University, USA<BR>Xuan Lu Tsinghua University, PRC<BR>Shisong Mao East China Normal University, PRC <BR>Rahul Mukerjee Indian Institute of Management, India <BR>Randy R. Sitter Simon Fraser University, Canada<BR>Sheng-Tsaing Tseng National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan<BR>C. F. Jeff Wu Georgia Institute of Technology, USA <BR>Zhenhai Yang Beijing University of Technology, PRC <BR>Runchu Zhang Nankai University, PRC </P>
<P>Local Organizing Committee</P>
<P>Chair: Runchu Zhang Nankai University, PRC </P>
<P>Mingyao Ai Peking University, PRC <BR>Minqian Liu Nankai University, PRC <BR>Xuan Lu Tsinghua University, PRC<BR>Honghai Lv Nankai University, PRC <BR>Hong Qin Central China Normal University, PRC<BR>Xianming Tan Nankai University, PRC <BR>Zhaojun Wang Nankai University, PRC <BR>Jianfang Zhang Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC</P>
<P>The conference has a plan to have about 20 sessions, which are <BR>on Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, Biostatistics, <BR>Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics etc. </P>
<P>Important Dates<BR>Deadline for Registration: March 15, 2006<BR>Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 15, 2006<BR>Conference: July 9-13, 2006, 1 day for checking in, 3 days for <BR>scientific program, 1 day for sightseeing</P>
<P>Contact Information<BR>Department of Statistics<BR>School of Mathematical Sciences<BR>Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China<BR>Phone: 86-22-23504709(O)<BR>Fax: 86-22-23506423<BR>Emails:<BR>zhrch@nankai.edu.cn(Runchu Zhang, 张润楚) <BR>zjwang@nankai.edu.cn(Zhaojun Wang, 王兆军)<BR>mqliu@nankai.edu.cn(Minqian Liu, 刘民千)<BR>tanxm@nankai.edu.cn(Xianming Tan, 谭鲜明)<BR>(中国?天津南开大学数学科学学院统计学系,邮编:300071)</P>
<P>======================================================================== <BR>招聘信息:香港浸会大学招聘博士后<BR>Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 22:24:54 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Michael Ng <mng@math.hkbu.edu.hk></P>
<P>Postdoctoral position in the Department of Mathematics at<BR>Hong Kong Baptist University</P>
<P>The Centre for Mathematical Imaging and Vision at the Department of <BR>Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University expects to make a post-doctoral <BR>appointment for two years beginning in the summer of 2006. The appointment <BR>will be in the area of image processing and computer vision.</P>
<P>The research interests of the Centre include image processing, computer<BR>vision, image analysis and retrieval, and numerical methods and optimization<BR>for imaging and vision applications.</P>
<P>Applicants must have demonstrated abilities in conducting independent<BR>research and publishing research results in journals of international<BR>level. Applicants should send a vita and description of research interests<BR>to Michael Ng, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist Unviersity,<BR>Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. E-mail: mng@math.hkbu.edu.hk</P>
<P>Applications will be considered at any time after March 31,<BR>2006, as funding becomes available.</P>
<P>======================================================================== <BR>期刊内容: JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND COMPLEXITY (Vol.19, No 1, 2006)<BR>From: "jssc" <jssc@amss.ac.cn><BR>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 14:59:29 +0800</P>
<P>Vol.19, No 1, 2006<BR>Contents</P>
<P>Studying Complex Adaptive Systems<BR>John H. HOLLAND</P>
<P>Optimal Starting Price for eBay-like Online Auctions<BR>Hai YU, Shouyang WANG, Chuangyin DANG</P>
<P>Identification Error Bounds and Asymptotic Distributions for Systems <BR>with Structural Uncertainties<BR>Gang George YIN, Shaobai KAN, Le Yi WANG</P>
<P>Analysis and Computational Algorithm for Queues with State-Dependent <BR>Vacations I: G/M(n)/1/K<BR>Xiuli CHAO, Ayyar RAHMAN</P>
<P>Soft Control on Collective Behavior of a Group of Autonomous Agents <BR>by a Shill Agent<BR>Jing HAN, Ming LI, Lei GUO</P>
<P>Aggregation of Fuzzy Opinions Under Group Decision-Making Based on <BR>Similarity and Distance<BR>Chengguo LU, Jibin LAN, Zhongxing WANG</P>
<P>The Existence of Orbits Connecting Critical Points of Differential <BR>Equations Depending on a Parameter<BR>Shuxiang YU</P>
<P>A Dynamic Approach to Calculate Shadow Prices of Water Resources <BR>for Nine Major Rivers in China<BR>Jing HE, Xikang CHEN, Yong SHI</P>
<P>The Rank and Coexponent of a Finite P-Group<BR>Yujie MA</P>
<P>D-B-Preinvex Type Mappings<BR>Jianwen PENG, Xinmin YANG, Weidong RONG</P>
<P>Semi On-Line Scheduling Problem for Maximizing the Minimum Machine <BR>Completion Time on Two Uniform Machines<BR>Runzi LUO, Shijie SUN, Wenping HUANG</P>
<P>A Note on the Right Spread Order Associated with Exponential Distributions<BR>Xiaohu LI</P>
<P>Existence and Uniqueness of Endemic States for the Age-Structured <BR>SEIR Epidemic Model<BR>Xuezhi LI, Jing CHEN</P>
<P>The Relationships of Three Elementary Cellular Automata<BR>Zhisong JIANG</P>
<P>Ultimate Stability of a Type of Characteristic Equation with Delay <BR>Dependent Parameters<BR>Jianquan LI, Zhien MA</P>
<P>------------------------------<BR>End of CAM Digest<BR>本期到此结束</P> |