斑竹的意思还是可以用 Plot做的么?
>>help arrayfun
ARRAYFUN Apply a function to each element of an array.
A = ARRAYFUN(FUN, B) applies the function specified by FUN to each
element of array B, and returns the results in array A. A is
the same size as B, and the (I,J,...)th element of A is equal to
FUN(C(I,J,...)). FUN is a function handle to a function that takes one
input argument and returns a scalar value. FUN must return values of
the same class each time it is called. The inputs must be of the
following types: numeric, logical, char, struct, cell. The order in
which ARRAYFUN computes elements of A is not specified and should not
be relied on.
If FUN is bound to more than one built-in or M-file, (that is, it
represents a set of overloaded functions), then ARRAYFUN follows
MATLAB dispatching rules in calling the function.
A = ARRAYFUN(FUN, B, C, ...) evaluates FUN using elements of arrays B,
C, ... as input arguments. The (I,J,...)th element of A is equal to
FUN(B(I,J,...), C(I,J,...), ...). B, C, ... must all have the same size.
[A, B, ...] = ARRAYFUN(FUN, C, ...), where FUN is a function handle to
a function that returns multiple outputs, returns arrays A, B, ...,
each corresponding to one of the output arguments of FUN. ARRAYFUN
calls FUN each time with as many outputs as there are in the call to
ARRAYFUN. FUN may return output arguments having different classes,
but the class of each output must be the same each time FUN is called.
[A, ...] = ARRAYFUN(FUN, B, ..., 'Param1', val1, ...) enables you to
specify optional parameter name/value pairs. Parameters are:
'UniformOutput' -- a logical value indicating whether or not the
output(s) of FUN can be returned without encapsulation in a cell
array. If true (the default), FUN must return scalar values that can
be concatenated into an array. If true, the outputs must be of the
following types: numeric, logical, char, struct, cell. If false,
ARRAYFUN returns a cell array (or multiple cell arrays), where the
(I,J,...)th cell contains the value FUN(C(I,J,...), ...). When
'UniformOutput' is false, the outputs can be of any type.
'ErrorHandler' -- a function handle, specifying the function
MATLAB is to call if the call to FUN fails. The error handling
function will be called with the following input arguments:
- a structure, with the fields: "identifier", "message", and
"index", respectively containing the identifier of the error
that occurred, the text of the error message, and the linear
index into the input array(s) at which the error occurred.
- the set of input arguments at which the call to the function
The error handling function should either rethrow an error, or
return the same number of outputs as FUN. These outputs are then
returned as the outputs of ARRAYFUN. If 'UniformOutput' is true,
the outputs of the error handler must also be scalars of the same
type as the outputs of FUN. Example:
function [A, B] = errorFunc(S, varargin)
warning(S.identifier, S.message); A = NaN; B = NaN;
If an error handler is not specified, the error from the call to
FUN will be rethrown.
Create a structure array with random matrices in the field f1.
s(1).f1 = rand(7,4) * 10;
s(2).f1 = rand(3,8) * 10;
s(3).f1 = rand(5,5) * 10;
Now compute the max and mean of each row of each matrix.
sMax = arrayfun(@(x)(max(x.f1)), s, 'UniformOutput', false)
sMax =
[1x4 double] [1x8 double] [1x5 double]
sMean = arrayfun(@(x)(mean(x.f1)), s, 'UniformOutput', false)
sMean =
[1x4 double] [1x8 double] [1x5 double]
See also cellfun, structfun, function_handle, cell2mat, spfun
Reference page in Help browser
doc arrayfun |