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以前都是用6.5的做的模块,和同学交流,他用的是7.0,无奈,按装了新版本,可是在这个环境下的文件和6.5的文件无法实现互相的模块复制。试图在7.0下打开6.5的文件,运行了命令bdclose all; Enc='windows-1252';set_param(0, 'CharacterEncoding', Enc),顺利打开文件,但是运行和调试却很不通畅,新建的一些7.0环境下的文件有的能打开,有的不能打开,真是不知道怎么办了,命令提示Warning: Unable to load model file 'E:\matlab\ADRConSHIP\nonlinear\sADRConNUNlinear.mdl'.
Run "bdclose all; set_param(0, 'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model.
The first character that is not supported in the current character encoding setting ('ibm-1386_P100-2002') occurs on line 1145, byte offset 27. To correctly load models with non-ASCII characters, you must explicitly use the character encoding that was used to save the file.
Type "help slCharacterEncoding" for more information on setting character encoding and to learn more about which encodings are commonly found on your platform.