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[Hyperworks] 材料属性参数说明

发表于 2007-6-3 11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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MAT1 - Material Property Definition, Form 1
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, isotropic materials.
MID      Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
E      Young’s Modulus (Real or blank).
G      Shear Modulus (Real or blank).
NU      Poisson’s Ratio (-1.0 < Real < 0.5 or blank).
RHO    Mass density (Real).
A      Thermal expansion coefficient (Real).
TREF    Reference temperature for thermal loading. Default=0.0 (Real).
ST, SC, SS  Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real).
MAT2 - Material Property Definition, Form 2
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.
MID  Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
Gij  The material property matrix (Real).
RHO  Mass density (Real).
Ai  Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).
TREF  Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 6).
ST, SC, SS  Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real).
MAT8 - Material Property Definition, Form 8
Defines the material property for an orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements.
MID      Material ID (Integer > 0)
E1  Modulus of elasticity in longitudinal direction (also defined as fibre direction or 1-direction) (Real 0.0).
E2  Modulus of elasticity in lateral direction (also defined as matrix direction or 2-direction) (Real 0.0).
NU12  Poisson’s ratio ( for uniaxial loading in 1-direction). Note that for uniaxial loading in 2-direction is related to by the relation . (Real).
G12      Inplane shear modulus (Real > 0.0).
G1,Z    Transverse shear modulus for shear in 1-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).
G2,Z    Transverse shear modulus for shear in 2-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).
RHO    Mass density (Real).
A1      Thermal expansion coefficient in 1-direction (Real).
A2      Thermal expansion coefficient in 2-direction (Real).
TREF  Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 3).
Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc  Allowable stresses or strains in the longitudinal and lateral directions. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).
S      Allowable for in-plane shear for composite ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).
F12      Tsai-Wu interaction term for composite failure (Real).
STRN  Indicates whether Xt, Xc, Yt or Yc are stress or strain allowables (Real=1.0 for strain allowables).
MAT9 - Material Property Definition, Form 9
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for solid elements.
MID  Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
Gij  The material property matrix (Real).
RHO  Mass density (Real).
Ai  Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).
TREF  Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 5).

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