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WARNING: The distance from the origin of the J marker
to the Z-axis of the I marker is 0.254058624
(No warnings if less than +/-1.0E-003)
Translational Joint = .MPRO_model.JOINT_28
I Marker = .MPRO_model.DIANJI_2.JOINT_28__MAR_I
J Marker = .MPRO_model.SHENSHUOGAN_flex.JOINT_28__MAR_J
WARNING: The distance between the J marker and the I marker is 16.058525922.
(No warnings if less than +/-1.0E-003)
Revolute Joint = .MPRO_model.JOINT_39
I Marker = .MPRO_model.HUKEJIAO_XIAO2_1.JOINT_39__MAR_I
J Marker = .MPRO_model.SHENSHUOGAN_flex.JOINT_39__MAR_J
WARNING: The markers for JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_39 are not initially coincident.
The relative displacement between the markers, expressed in the
J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = 6.67318E-02 Delta Y = -2.96787E-02 Delta Z = -16.058.
WARNING: The I marker of JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28 is not on the
z-axis of the J marker. The relative displacement from
the z-axis, expressed in the J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = -0.22240 Delta Y = 0.12283.
WARNING: Initial displacement of MOTION MPRO_model.MOTION_3 differs from that of
JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28, on which it is located, by 386.81 .
WARNING: The markers for JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_39 are not initially coincident.
The relative displacement between the markers, expressed in the
J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = 6.67318E-02 Delta Y = -2.96787E-02 Delta Z = -16.058.
WARNING: The I marker of JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28 is not on the
z-axis of the J marker. The relative displacement from
the z-axis, expressed in the J marker coordinate frame is:
Delta X = -0.22240 Delta Y = 0.12283.
WARNING: Initial displacement of MOTION MPRO_model.MOTION_3 differs from that of
JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_28, on which it is located, by 386.81 .
WARNING: After 50 iterations of the calculations for the initial conditions, the
mechanism has been assembled with a maximum-magnitude error of -0.17745
which does not satisfy the specified tolerance of 1.0E-10 .
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed. The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 1.50E-02.
ERROR: The simulation is terminating at time = 0.0.
ADAMS can not solve the equations of motion because the mechanism has
"locked up." At least one constraint can no longer be satisfied.
ADAMS is unable to satisfy the constraint for: JOINT MPRO_model.JOINT_33 .
ERROR: Lockup detected
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