有人也遇到过同样的问题,后来在“file"菜单里选择”close workspace“,再进去编译就好了,非常奇怪,具体什么原因我还没有搞清楚。这种方法不一定行得通,你可以试试。
另外还有人遇到类似问题,是因为cvf可能没装好,看看tools->option->directories->Show directories for "executable"的目录里面有没有df.exe
- The "Error spawning DF.EXE" message means that Developer Studio was unable to run the compiler. There are many possible reasons for this, from not running Per-User Setup, to deleting the COMSPEC environment variable, to a corrupted registry. If your system becomes unresponsive after this error, that is very unusual and suggests a problem with your system or software.
- The first thing I'd try is to run Per-User Setup. Then if that doesn't work, reinstall CVF. If you need help after that, write vf-support@compaq.com and include ALL the information requested in BUGREPRT.TXT, which you'll find in the DF98 folder. Don't leave anything out - we get many of these with blanks where the critical info should have been. If you have VF Reporter installed, use that instead.
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