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<P>function axdrag(action) <BR>%AXDRAG Pan and zoom with simple keystrokes <BR>% Use this tool to move quickly around the data displayed in a 2-D plot. <BR>% Make sure the figure has focus, and then press any of the following <BR>% keys to zoom in or out. Clicking and dragging will pan the data. <BR>% <BR>% Keys you can use are: <BR>% z, Z: zoom in, zoom out, in both dimensions <BR>% x, X: zoom in, zoom out, x dimension only <BR>% y, Y: zoom in, zoom out, y dimension only <BR>% arrow keys: pan the data <BR>% a: axis auto <BR>% n: axis normal <BR>% e: axis equal <BR>% g: toggle grid state <BR>% spacebar: toggle axis tick display state <BR>% h: help <BR>% <BR>% Example <BR>% c = pi*(1+sqrt(5))/2; <BR>% x = 0:1000; <BR>% r = 2.72378; <BR>% z = cumsum(exp(i*(c*x.*x + r))); <BR>% plot(real(z),imag(z)); <BR>% axdrag <BR>% % Now click, drag, and use special keys ... <BR><BR>% Ned Gulley, March 2003 <BR><BR>persistent x0 dx <BR><BR>if nargin < 1, <BR> action = 'initialize'; <BR>end <BR><BR>% Use these variables to change the zoom and pan amounts <BR>zoomFactor = 0.9; <BR>panFactor = 0.02; <BR><BR>% Get rid of the help window if it's being displayed <BR>helpTextAxis = findobj(gcbf,'Type','axes','Tag','axdraghelpaxis'); <BR>if isempty(helpTextAxis) <BR> helpWasOff = 1; <BR>else <BR> helpWasOff = 0; <BR> delete(helpTextAxis); <BR>end <BR><BR>switch action <BR> <BR>case 'initialize' <BR> set(gca,'ButtonDownFcn','axdrag start') <BR> set(gcf,'KeyPressFcn','axdrag keypress') <BR> set(gcf,'DoubleBuffer','on') <BR> <BR>case 'start' <BR> set(gcbf,'Units','pixel'); <BR> set(gca,'Units','pixel'); <BR> set(gcbf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','axdrag move') <BR> set(gcbf,'WindowButtonUpFcn','axdrag stop') <BR> currentPoint = get(gcbf,'CurrentPoint'); <BR> x0 = currentPoint; <BR> axdrag move <BR><BR>case 'move' <BR> currentPoint = get(gcbf,'CurrentPoint'); <BR> dx = currentPoint - x0; <BR> x0 = currentPoint; <BR> ap = get(gca,'Position'); <BR> xLim = get(gca,'XLim'); <BR> yLim = get(gca,'YLim'); <BR> set(gca,'XLim',xLim-(diff(xLim)*dx(1)/ap(3)), ... <BR> 'YLim',yLim-(diff(yLim)*dx(2)/ap(4))); <BR> <BR>case 'stop' <BR> set(gcbf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','') <BR> set(gcbf,'WindowButtonUpFcn','') <BR> set(gcbf,'Units','normalized'); <BR> set(gca,'Units','normalized'); <BR> <BR>case 'keypress' <BR> currChar = get(gcbf,'CurrentCharacter'); <BR> if isempty(currChar) <BR> return <BR> end <BR> <BR> if currChar=='a', <BR> axis auto <BR> <BR> elseif currChar=='e', <BR> axis equal <BR> <BR> elseif currChar=='n', <BR> axis normal <BR> <BR> elseif currChar=='g', <BR> grid <BR> <BR> elseif currChar==28, <BR> xLim=get(gca,'XLim'); <BR> xLimNew = xLim + panFactor*diff(xLim); <BR> set(gca,'XLim',xLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif currChar==29, <BR> xLim=get(gca,'XLim'); <BR> xLimNew = xLim - panFactor*diff(xLim); <BR> set(gca,'XLim',xLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif currChar==30, <BR> yLim=get(gca,'YLim'); <BR> yLimNew = yLim - panFactor*diff(yLim); <BR> set(gca,'YLim',yLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif currChar==31, <BR> yLim=get(gca,'YLim'); <BR> yLimNew = yLim + panFactor*diff(yLim); <BR> set(gca,'YLim',yLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif abs(currChar)==32, <BR> if isempty(get(gca,'XTick')), <BR> set(gca,'XTickMode','auto','YTickMode','auto') <BR> else <BR> set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'Box','on') <BR> end <BR> <BR> elseif (currChar=='x') | (currChar=='X'), <BR> if currChar == 'X', <BR> zoomFactor=1/zoomFactor; <BR> end <BR> xLim=get(gca,'XLim'); <BR> xLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(xLim)] + xLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(xLim)/2; <BR> set(gca,'XLim',xLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif (currChar=='y') | (currChar=='Y'), <BR> if currChar == 'Y', <BR> zoomFactor=1/zoomFactor; <BR> end <BR> yLim=get(gca,'YLim'); <BR> yLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(yLim)] + yLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(yLim)/2; <BR> set(gca,'YLim',yLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif (currChar=='z') | (currChar=='Z'), <BR> if currChar == 'Z', <BR> zoomFactor=1/zoomFactor; <BR> end <BR> xLim=get(gca,'XLim'); <BR> yLim=get(gca,'YLim'); <BR><BR>xLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(xLim)] + xLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(xLim)/2; <BR> yLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(yLim)] + yLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(yLim)/2; <BR><BR>set(gca,'XLim',xLimNew,'YLim',yLimNew) <BR> <BR> elseif currChar=='h', <BR> if helpWasOff <BR> str = { ... <BR> ' ' <BR> ' AXDRAG. Keys you can use are:' <BR> ' ' <BR> ' z, Z: zoom in, zoom out, both dimensions ' <BR> ' x, X: zoom in, zoom out, x dimension only ' <BR> ' y, Y: zoom in, zoom out, y dimension only ' <BR> ' arrow keys: pan the data' <BR> ' a: axis auto' <BR> ' n: axis normal' <BR> ' e: axis equal' <BR> ' g: toggle grid state' <BR> ' spacebar: toggle axis tick display state' <BR> ' h: help' <BR> ' ' <BR> ' Press ''h'' again to dismiss this message' <BR> ' ' ... <BR> }; <BR> helpTextAxis = axes( ... <BR> 'Tag','axdraghelpaxis', ... <BR> 'Units','characters', ... <BR> 'Position',[2 1 76 16], ... <BR> 'Visible','off'); <BR> text(0,1,str, ... <BR> 'Parent',helpTextAxis, ... <BR> 'VerticalAlignment','top', ... <BR> 'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0.8], ... <BR> 'FontName','courier', ... <BR> 'FontSize',6); <BR><BR> end <BR> <BR> end <BR> <BR>end <BR></P> |