*** WARNING *** CP = 3.766 TIME= 09:12:17
Structural elements without mid nodes usually produce much more
accurate results in quad or brick shape. 此警告可忽略
*** WARNING *** CP = 4.797 TIME= 09:12:19
After NUMMRG,NODE, node 754 (and possibly others) is associated with
more than one solid model entity. Future commands which depend on the
node to solid model connectivity (meshing, mesh clearing, solid
boundary condition transfer, etc.) may not operate properly.
NUMMRG,KP may correct this problem. 此警告可忽略
*** WARNING *** CP = 5.922 TIME= 09:12:20
Both solid model and finite element model boundary conditions have been
applied to this model. As solid loads are transferred to the nodes or
elements, they can overwrite directly applied loads. 此警告可忽略
*** WARNING *** CP = 6.234 TIME= 09:12:21
The MINREF field of the CNVTOL command has been assigned a default
value of 1.0 for convergence on F. Check results carefully. 收敛准则设置有问题 ,暂不管
*** ERROR *** CP = 6.375 TIME= 09:12:21
Total of thicknesses for layered elements may not equal zero. Check
real constant table 1.
solid46 单元,当 keyopt(2) = 0 时至少有 15 个实常数
第 13~15 个实常数为第一层的 Mat, Theta, thickness
*** ERROR *** CP = 6.438 TIME= 09:12:30
Element 451 has a negative or zero thickness. Check real constant
table 3.
与 solid46 有关的实常数都没有定义第 13~15 个实常数,因此厚度为零