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1.目标: 找出一个分割,使得距离平方和最小
2.K-Means算法: 1. 将数据分为k个非空子集 2. 计算每个类中心点(k-means中用所有点的平均值,K-medoid用离该平均值最近的一个点)center 3. 将每个object聚类到最近的center 4. 返回2,当聚类结果不再变化的时候stop
复杂度: O(kndt) -计算两点间距离:d -指定类:O(kn) ,k是类数 -迭代次数上限:t
3.K-Medoids算法: 1. 随机选择k个点作为初始medoid 2.将每个object聚类到最近的medoid 3. 更新每个类的medoid,计算objective function 4. 选择最佳参数 4. 返回2,当各类medoid不再变化的时候stop
复杂度: O((n^2)d) -计算各点间两两距离O((n^2)d) -指定类:O(kn) ,k是类数
4.特点: -聚类结果与初始点有关(因为是做steepest descent from a random initial starting oint) -是局部最优解 -在实际做的时候,随机选择多组初始点,最后选择拥有最低TSD(Totoal Squared Distance)的那组
Kmeans KMedoid Implementation with matlab: =================== 下面是我用matlab上的实现: 说明:fea为训练样本数据,gnd为样本标号。算法中的思想和上面写的一模一样,在最后的判断accuracy方面,由于聚类和分类不同,只是得到一些 cluster ,而并不知道这些 cluster 应该被打上什么标签,或者说。由于我们的目的是衡量聚类算法的 performance ,因此直接假定这一步能实现最优的对应关系,将每个 cluster 对应到一类上去。一种办法是枚举所有可能的情况并选出最优解,另外,对于这样的问题,我们还可以用 Hungarian algorithm 来求解。具体的Hungarian代码我放在了资源里,调用方法已经写在下面函数中了。下面给出Kmeans&Kmedoid主函数。
Kmeans.m 函数: - <font color="#000000">[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- function [ accuracy,MIhat ] = KMeans( K,mode )
- % Artificial Intelligence & Data Mining - KMeans & K-Medoids Clustering
- % Author: Sophia_qing [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=156850]@[/url] ZJU
- % CreateTime: 2012-11-18
- % Function: Clustering
- % -K: number of clusters
- % -mode:
- % 1: use kmeans cluster algorithm in matlab
- % 2: k_medroid algorithm: use data points as k centers
- % 3: k_means algorithm: use average as k centers
- global N_features;
- global N_samples;
- global fea;
- global gnd;
- switch (mode)
- case 1 �ll system function KMeans
- label = kmeans(fea,K);
- [label,accuracy] = cal_accuracy(gnd,label);
- case 2%use kmedroid method
- for testcase = 1:10% do 10 times to get rid of the influence from Initial_center
- K_center = Initial_center(fea,K); %select initial points randomly
- changed_label = N_samples;
- label = zeros(1,N_samples);
- iteration_times = 0;
- while changed_label~=0
- cls_label = cell(1,K);
- for i = 1: N_samples
- for j = 1 : K
- D(j) = dis(fea(i,:),K_center(j,:));
- end
- [~,label(i)] = min(D);
- cls_label{label(i)} = [cls_label{label(i)} i];
- end
- changed_label = 0;
- cls_center = zeros(K,N_features);
- for i = 1 : K
- cls_center(i,:) = mean(fea(cls_label{i},:));
- D1 = [];
- for j = 1:size(cls_label{i},2)%number of samples clsutered in i-th class
- D1(j) = dis(cls_center(i,:),fea(cls_label{i}(j),:));
- end
- [~,min_ind] = min(D1);
- if ~isequal(K_center(i,:),fea(cls_label{i}(min_ind),:))
- K_center(i,:) = fea(cls_label{i}(min_ind),:);
- changed_label = changed_label+1;
- end
- end
- iteration_times = iteration_times+1;
- end
- [label,acc(testcase)] = cal_accuracy(gnd,label);
- end
- accuracy = max(acc);
- case 3%use k-means method
- for testcase = 1:10% do 10 times to get rid of the influence from Initial_center
- K_center = Initial_center(fea,K); %select initial points randomly
- changed_label = N_samples;
- label = zeros(1,N_samples);
- label_new = zeros(1,N_samples);
- while changed_label~=0
- cls_label = cell(1,K);
- changed_label = 0;
- for i = 1: N_samples
- for j = 1 : K
- D(j) = dis(fea(i,:),K_center(j,:));
- end
- [~,label_new(i)] = min(D);
- if(label_new(i)~=label(i))
- changed_label = changed_label+1;
- end;
- cls_label{label_new(i)} = [cls_label{label_new(i)} i];
- end
- label = label_new;
- for i = 1 : K %recalculate k centroid
- K_center(i,:) = mean(fea(cls_label{i},:));
- end
- end
- [label,acc(testcase)] = cal_accuracy(gnd,label);
- end
- accuracy = max(acc);
- end
- MIhat = MutualInfo(gnd,label);
- function center = Initial_center(X,K)
- rnd_Idx = randperm(N_samples,K);
- center = X(rnd_Idx,:);
- end
- function res = dis(X1,X2)
- res = norm(X1-X2);
- end
- function [res,acc] = cal_accuracy(gnd,estimate_label)
- res = bestMap(gnd,estimate_label);
- acc = length(find(gnd == res))/length(gnd);
- end
- end
- 实验结果分析:
- 对上面得到的accuracy进行画图,横坐标为10个数据集,纵坐标为在其上进行聚类的准确率。
- 其中,auto为matlab内部kmeans函数。
- 画图:
- [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- function [ ] = Plot( A,B,C )
- %PLOT Summary of this function goes here
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- figure;
- k = 1:10;
- plot(k,A,'-r',k,B,'-b',k,C,'-g');
- legend('auto','medoid','means');
- end
- </font>
复制代码结果: 5类聚类: