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本帖最后由 牛小贱 于 2014-4-2 16:43 编辑
5.使用M Level 1 S函数实现
- function [sys,x0,str,ts] = gui_plot_sfun(t,x,u,flag)
- %
- switch flag,
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Initialization %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 0,
- [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes;
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Derivatives %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 1,
- sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u);
- %%%%%%%%%%
- % Update %
- %%%%%%%%%%
- case 2,
- sys=mdlUpdate(t,x,u);
- %%%%%%%%%%%
- % Outputs %
- %%%%%%%%%%%
- case 3,
- sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % GetTimeOfNextVarHit %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 4,
- sys=mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(t,x,u);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Terminate %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 9,
- sys=mdlTerminate(t,x,u);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Unexpected flags %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- otherwise
- error(['Unhandled flag = ',num2str(flag)]);
- end
- % end sfuntmpl
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlInitializeSizes
- % Return the sizes, initial conditions, and sample times for the S-function.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes
- %
- % call simsizes for a sizes structure, fill it in and convert it to a
- % sizes array.
- %
- % Note that in this example, the values are hard coded. This is not a
- % recommended practice as the characteristics of the block are typically
- % defined by the S-function parameters.
- %
- sizes = simsizes;
- sizes.NumContStates = 0;
- sizes.NumDiscStates = 0;
- sizes.NumOutputs = 0;
- sizes.NumInputs = 1;
- sizes.DirFeedthrough = 1; % u is used in Output function so it is 1 here.
- sizes.NumSampleTimes = 1; % at least one sample time is needed
- sys = simsizes(sizes);
- %
- % initialize the initial conditions
- %
- x0 = [];
- %
- % str is always an empty matrix
- %
- str = [];
- %
- % initialize the array of sample times
- %
- ts = [0 0];
- % init the ui controls
- global t f vec
- f = figure('Position', [280, 280,330, 330], 'MenuBar', 'none');
- t = uicontrol(f,'Style','text','Position',[180,200,80,30]);
- vec = [];
- % end mdlInitializeSizes
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlDerivatives
- % Return the derivatives for the continuous states.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u)
- sys = [];
- % end mdlDerivatives
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlUpdate
- % Handle discrete state updates, sample time hits, and major time step
- % requirements.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlUpdate(t,x,u)
- sys=[];
- % end mdlUpdate
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlOutputs
- % Return the block outputs.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u)
- pause(0.5);
- global t vec f
- vec = [vec, u];
- set(t, 'string', num2str(u));
- plot(vec);
- sys = [];
- % end mdlOutputs
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit
- % Return the time of the next hit for this block. Note that the result is
- % absolute time. Note that this function is only used when you specify a
- % variable discrete-time sample time [-2 0] in the sample time array in
- % mdlInitializeSizes.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(t,x,u)
- sampleTime = 1; % Example, set the next hit to be one second later.
- sys = t + sampleTime;
- % end mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlTerminate
- % Perform any end of simulation tasks.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlTerminate(t,x,u)
- global f
- close(f);
- sys = [];
- % end mdlTerminate
复制代码 在仿真过程中截了三个图,Display与GUI数据更新时间稍微有一点不同步,在动态过程中肉眼几乎看不出。效果如下图1、2、3所示:
通过GUI来控制Simulink进行系统仿真,仿真的对象是动态地钟摆系统.别看题目是GUI和Simulink,其实最重要的中心内容在于S-function.Math大哥说过,S-function的本质就是系统状态的更新,这话总结了一切,系统的更新也就是采样点的刷新,计算当前采样点的全部输出或者包含其微分积分信息,然后到下一个时间点,再刷新.而区分其工作阶段的标志flag的值分别对应各个工作状态:初始化,连续状态微分更新,离散状态更新,输出更新,采样时刻更新,仿真结束这六种状态.其调用格式就不详细介绍了,大家自己调用模版文件出来瞧瞧就很明白了(edit sfintempl.m或者open sfintempl.m或者type sfintempl.m).
打开模型按钮可以打开.mdl的单摆系统结构图,下面的就是检测停止状态stopf的S-function结构图,需要与系统本身放在一个.mdl文件中,否则只程序的编写是不足够的. 摆过去之后还回循环往复:
希望对那些学习这一块的人有所帮助!!! 其实,将Simulink的实时仿真时间显示到GUI的控件上,还有一个比较简单方便的实现方法:S-Function。
使用Level-1 M S-Function可以方便地将每个步长的时间点动态的(估计那位会员所说实时就是这个意思)显示到一个figure的text控件上。这个S函数只用于仿真,不提供内联的TLC文件。S函数的初始化函数部分进行一个带有text控件figure的创建,输出函数则动态得奖时间量获取并写入到text上去。效果如下:
- function [sys,x0,str,ts]=gui_time_sfun(t,x,u,flag)
- switch flag,
- %Initialization
- case 0,
- [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes;
- %Outputs
- case 3,
- sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u);
- %Unhandled flags
- case {1, 2, 4, 9 }
- sys = [];
- %Unexpected flags
- otherwise
- error(['Unhandled flag = ',num2str(flag)]);
- end
- %mdlInitializeSizes
- function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes
- sizes = simsizes;
- sizes.NumContStates = 0;
- sizes.NumDiscStates = 0;
- sizes.NumOutputs = 0;
- sizes.NumInputs = 0;
- sizes.DirFeedthrough = 0;
- sizes.NumSampleTimes = 0;
- sys=simsizes(sizes);
- x0=[];
- str=[];
- ts=[];
- % 创建一个窗口显示时间
- global f;
- f = figure('Position',[500 200 50 50]);
- uicontrol('Parent', f, 'Style', 'text','String','Simulation Time');
- %mdlOutputs
- function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u)
- global f;
- % 将每次的仿真时间输出到figure
- uicontrol('Parent', f, 'Style', 'text','String',num2str(t));
- pause(0.2); %为了让人眼能看清动态过程而加入的时间延迟
- sys=[];