可能是我翻译的有问题。原文是What is the bandwidth of analysis for the signal, i.e. the difference between successive calculated values defining the continuous function of frequency?
谱密度图形平直部分数值是怎么算,尖峰是怎么算? 不是很明白这一部分。
原来第一个是叫求频率分辨率啊 以前没学过信号方面的 不知道怎么翻译。
第二问是Carry out appropriate calculations and sketch a graph showing the spectral density obtained. Assume the averaging is sufficient so that the statistical errors in the values are negligible. Also assume that there are no leakage effects or other distortions. In other words the spectral density is totally accurate. The x and y axes should show appropriate scales and units. Show the complete frequency range up to the Nyquist folding frequency.