yunzhiliu 发表于 2011-1-13 18:26

请问什么是谐波指数(harmonic index)?

1.ANSYS的帮助文件中,在Chapter 7. Cyclic Symmetry Analysis一节中,关于‘谐波指数(the harmonic index)’的定义有如下的描述:
The harmonic index is an integer that determines the variation in the value of a single DOF at points spaced at a circumferential angle equal to the sector angle. For a harmonic index equal to nodal diameter (节径) d, the function
cos(d*θ) describes the variation. This definition allows a varying number of waves to exist around the circumference for a given harmonic index, provided that the DOF at points separated by the sector angle vary by cos(d*θ). For example, a harmonic index of 0 and a 60° sector produce modes with 0, 6, 12, ... , 6N waves around the circumference.
我反复理解这句话,最终也没有搞清楚究竟什么是谐波指数(the harmonic index)?它表示什么物理意义?请各位老师和做过循环对称结构模态分析的先知用简单明了的语言解释一下!谢谢!

yejet 发表于 2011-1-14 09:24


yunzhiliu 发表于 2011-1-26 17:31

本帖最后由 yunzhiliu 于 2011-1-26 18:18 编辑



谐波指数和节径数的关系式: d=m*N+/-Km=0,1,2,3....N扇区数,k谐波指数,d节径数
那么问题又来了,在Ansys中,谐波指数=节径数, 也就是只考虑了m=0的情况,为什么呢??


yunzhiliu 发表于 2011-2-25 19:13

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