我的是vista 64位系统,装的是2008a,sym,syms,solve都用不了,查了下,没有symbolic math toolbox,
网上说2008a的64位就是没有这个,但32位有,2009a也有人报告没有sym, solve等等.
谁用的64位的,有这些toolbox的? sym, solve等等能用.
谢谢! 回复 vibration2008 的帖子
Is the Symbolic Math Toolbox supported for 64-bit operating systems?
Problem Description:
I would like to use the Symbolic Math Toolbox on a 64-bit machine. Is this toolbox available for 64 bit operating systems?
As of MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) Symbolic Math Toolbox was supported under Linux x86-64 machines. As of MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) Symbolic Math Toolbox is also supported under Windows x64 and Mac OS X (Intel 64) machines. Symbolic Math is not supported on Solaris 64-bit at this time.
While not officially supported, it is also possible to run the 32-bit version of the Symbolic and - in releases before R2008b - Extended Symbolic Math Toolboxes on a 64-bit Windows machine. This is also the case with the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b), running on MuPAD.
To do so, you would need to install all of the MATLAB products using the 32-bit versions.
For information about the system requirements for Symbolic Math Toolbox, see the system requirements pages here: