wusemm 发表于 2010-6-17 21:11



[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-6-17 23:28 编辑 ]

ChaChing 发表于 2010-6-17 23:22

印象中官网中好像有, LZ先搜下!

wusemm 发表于 2010-6-19 18:42



ChaChing 发表于 2010-6-20 00:23


ChaChing 发表于 2011-6-26 12:47

本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2011-6-26 13:03 编辑

好像直接把4F程式列出较为完整! function h = halfPolar(phi,gain,linestyle,xtickval)
% HALFPOLAR function performs the polar plot in radian angle range
% using half polar coordinates
% HALFPOLAR(phi,gain) makes a plot with phi in radians angle range
% and gain in half polar coordinates. Phi and gain could be vector or matrix
% with the same dimensions. When Phi is a vector(1XN) and vector(1XN) and
% matrix(MXN)gain values are allowable. When Phi is a matrix(MXN) and then
% the gain should only be matrix(MXN) with the same row numbers.
% HALFPOLAR(phi,gain, linestyle) uses specified linestyle defined in cell
% variable linestyle to plot phi and gain, like: linestyle = {'ko-','b--'}
% HALFPOLAR(phi,gain, linestyle, xtickval) plots phi and gain with the
% prescribed tick value xtickval. like: xtickval =
% HALFPOLAR is designed especially for the radiated sould pressure level
% demonstration. Accordingly the gain value is designed to be dB value.
% the default xtickvalue is also designed to match the dB value range.
% So you are permitted to modify the function in order to correctly
% demonstrate data for your specified applications.
% HALFPOLAR is coded straightforward without variables checking and fault
% testing.The author don't take the responsibility for the program bug.
% Example:
% phi = linspace(0,pi,20);
% gain = 80 * rand(3,length(phi)) + 40;
% h = halfPolar(phi,gain,{'k-','g-.','r--','k-'},)
% See also polar;
% Don't heisitate to let me know the problems about the function:
% lhd06@mails.thu.edu.cn
% Departmen of Electrical Engineering,
% Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
% Reference function: polar.m provided by the matlab graphics toolbox
% If the program is modified and redistributed, the description above
% should be included.
min_gain = min(min(gain)); max_gain = max(max(gain));
space_val = 4; spoke_val = 6; spoketickval = linspace(0,pi,spoke_val+1);
if nargin < 2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end

% if nargin < 3, rangedb = ; end
if nargin < 3linestyle = 'auto';xtickval = linspace(round(min_gain) - 10,round(max_gain) + 10,space_val);end
if nargin < 4, xtickval = linspace(round(min_gain) - 10,round(max_gain) + 10,space_val); end
% normalization the input value
gain_range = xtickval(end) - xtickval(1);   %obtain the gain range
gain_scale = abs((gain - xtickval(1)))/gain_range; %
cax = newplot; tc = get(cax,'xcolor'); ls = get(cax,'gridlinestyle');
th = linspace(0,pi,200); xunit = cos(th); yunit = sin(th);
% plot background if necessary
if ~isstr(get(cax,'color'))
       patch('xdata',xunit,'ydata',yunit, 'edgecolor',tc,'facecolor',get(gca,'color'));
hold on; =size(phi); =size(gain);
    for i=1:m2
      x = gain_scale(i,:) .* cos(phi); y = gain_scale(i,:) .* sin(phi);
      if(strcmp(linestyle,'auto')), h(i) = plot(x,y,'linewidth',2);
      else h(i) = plot(x,y,linestyle{i},'linewidth',2);
    if(m1 ~= m2), error('Matrix should be have the same dimension!');
      for i=1:m2
         x = gain_scale(i,:) .* cos(phi(i,:)); y = gain_scale(i,:) .* sin(phi(i,:));
            if(strcmp(linestyle,'auto')), h(i) = plot(x,y,'linewidth',2);%,'LineWidth', 2
            else h(i) = plot(x,y,linestyle{i},'linewidth',2);
set(gca,'dataaspectratio',);axis off;
% legend_val = legend(h(1:end),'Controlled','Uncontrolled');
% set(legend_val,'location','SouthOutside');
hold on;
%define the circle
contour_val = zeros(1,length(xtickval));
contour_val = abs((xtickval - xtickval(1))/gain_range);
for k=2:length(contour_val) %gain circles
    plot(xunit*contour_val(k), yunit*contour_val(k),ls,'color','black');
    text(contour_val(k),-0.05, sprintf('%.3g',xtickval(k)),'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');
    text(- contour_val(k),-0.05, sprintf('%.3g',xtickval(k)),'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');
text(contour_val(1),-0.05,sprintf('%.3g',xtickval(1)),'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');
text(-0.45,-0.15,'Sound Pressure Level(SPL) /dB');
%plot the spokes and% annotate spokes in degrees
cst = cos(spoketickval); snt = sin(spoketickval);
for k = 1:length(spoketickval) - 1
    plot(cst(k) * contour_val,snt(k) * contour_val,ls,'color',tc,'linewidth',1, 'handlevisibility','off');
    text(1.07*cst(k),1.07*snt(k), sprintf('%.3g^{o}',spoketickval(k)/pi*180, 'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');
text(1.08*cst(end),1.07*snt(end), sprintf('%.3g^{o}',spoketickval(end)/pi*180),'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');
hold off;
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