wangruitjuedu 发表于 2010-6-14 13:02


Whenever a translation (rotation) dof at a node is constrained by a kinematic coupling definition the translation (rotation) dofs for that node cannot be included in any other constraint including mpcs, rigid bodies, etc.THE SLAVE SURFACES ASSEMBLY_SURF-3 AND ASSEMBLY_SURF-5 INTERSECT EACH OTHER. THEY ARE PAIRED WITH MASTER SURFACES ASSEMBLY_SURF-4 AND ASSEMBLY_SURF-6 THAT ALSO INTERSECT EACH OTHER. IF BOTH PAIRS ARE *CONTACT PAIRs, THESE TWO PAIRS SHOULD NOT BE SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESENT IN A STEP BECAUSE OF POSSIBLE CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS; USE *MODEL CHANGE,TYPE=CONTACT PAIR TO REMOVE ONE OF THEM. IF BOTH ARE *TIE PAIRS, THE REDUNDANT TIES WILL BE REMOVED AUTOMATICALLY. IF ONE PAIR IS *TIE AND ANOTHER IS *CONTACT PAIR, REMOVE ONE OF THEM.For *tie pair (assembly_surf-1-assembly_surf-2), adjusted nodes with very small adjustments were not printed. Specify *preprint,model=yes for complete printout.MPCS (EXTERNAL or INTERNAL, including those generated from rigid body definitions), KINEMATIC COUPLINGS, AND/OR EQUATIONS WILL ACTIVATE ADDITIONAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM警告信息如下:OVERCONSTRAINT CHECKS: THERE ARE 78831 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THIS MODEL. OVERCONSTRAINT CHECKS FOR BOUNDARY CONDITIONS SPECIFIED ON SLAVE NODES OF RIGID BODIES, OF *TIE OPTIONS, OR OF *COUPLING OPTIONS REQUIRE 26 Mb OF MEMORY. IF THIS IS A PROBLEM, PLEASE TURN OFF OVERCONSTRAINT CHECKS USING *CONSTRAINT CONTROLS, NO CHECKS or INCREASE THE MEMORY USED BY THE PRE-PROCESSOR.The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 128 pointsThe plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 122 pointsThe plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 116 pointsThe plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 126 pointsThe plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 123 points
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