lpp8515 发表于 2010-4-15 11:22



[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-4-18 11:32 编辑 ]

yufeng 发表于 2010-4-17 10:02


ChaChing 发表于 2010-4-17 23:00

回复 沙发 yufeng 的帖子

rand出来的数字, 代表几率吗?

xiezhh 发表于 2010-4-19 11:18


>> A = ;
>> R = mnrnd(1,);
>> B = R(:,1)'
B =
   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   1   0   1

ChaChing 发表于 2010-4-19 11:55

现在的版本较旧(无mnrnd函数), 尚无法验证学习!
但谢老师的, 个人有信心, 先加威望了

xiezhh 发表于 2010-4-19 18:35

回复 5楼 ChaChing 的帖子


maigicku 发表于 2010-4-22 16:40

回复 6楼 xiezhh 的帖子

你好,谢老师,如果我想生成一个100X100的0 1矩阵,其中只有100个1,就是说1的概率是0.1,怎么生成呢?

dreamstone 发表于 2010-4-22 17:05

回复 7楼 maigicku 的帖子


Multinomial random numbers

r = mnrnd(n,p)
R = mnrnd(n,p,m)
R = mnrnd(N,P)

r = mnrnd(n,p) returns random values r from the multinomial distribution with parameters n and p. n is a positive integer specifying the number of trials (sample size) for each multinomial outcome. p is a 1-by-k vector of multinomial probabilities, where k is the number of multinomial bins or categories. p must sum to one. (If p does not sum to one, r consists entirely of NaN values.) r is a 1-by-k vector, containing counts for each of the k multinomial bins.

R = mnrnd(n,p,m) returns m random vectors from the multinomial distribution with parameters n and p. R is a m-by-k matrix, where k is the number of multinomial bins or categories. Each row of R corresponds to one multinomial outcome.

R = mnrnd(N,P) generates outcomes from different multinomial distributions. P is a m-by-k matrix, where k is the number of multinomial bins or categories and each of the m rows contains a different set of multinomial probabilities. Each row of P must sum to one. (If any row of P does not sum to one, the corresponding row of R consists entirely of NaN values.) N is a m-by-1 vector of positive integers or a single positive integer (replicated by mnrnd to a m-by-1 vector). R is a m-by-k matrix. Each row of R is generated using the corresponding rows of N and P.

Generate 2 random vectors with the same probabilities:

n = 1e3;
p = ;
R = mnrnd(n,p,2)
R =
   215   282   503
   194   303   503

Generate 2 random vectors with different probabilities:

n = 1e3;
P = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5; ...
   0.3, 0.4, 0.3;];
R = mnrnd(n,P)
R =
   186   290   524
   290   389   321

ChaChing 发表于 2010-4-26 00:20

回复 8楼 dreamstone 的帖子


maigicku 发表于 2010-4-27 08:28

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 如何产生与几率相关矩阵