cboboc 发表于 2010-3-29 15:26

关于confidence limit 的求助?

在haung的《A confidence limit for the empirical mode
decomposition and Hilbert spectral analysis》中提到,因为采取的s只不同,有可能出现各次的imfs个数不同,所以可采用将希尔伯特谱进行平均,这样就能在预分配的时间和频率空间上就有着同样数量的bins,简单说:就是采用加上或者减去68%置信水平的标准差,或者减去或者加上95%置信水平的两个标准差。原文是:Under such conditions, it is possible to implement the averaging to the Hilbert spectra, which can have the same number of bins in frequency and temporal space pre-assigned. For simplicity, plus and minus onestandard deviation for the 68% confidence level has been adopted (or plus and minus
two standard deviations for the 95% confidence level)
请问各位大侠,bins该怎么理解呢?还有“加上或者减去68%置信水平的标准差”和“减去或者加上95%置信水平的两个标准差”怎么理解呢 ?
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