zhlbeyond 发表于 2009-12-2 20:49

ansys help中例子VM33(热-结构分析)中几处如何理解?

1.Due to symmetry, only a wedge of arbitrary height is required for modeling. A 5° wedge is selected to minimize curved geometry effects when using a lower order element
2.The thermal steady state condition is satisfied when the inner and outer wall temperature difference is constant
3.Since the structural dynamic effects are not of concern, inertial and damping structural effects can be ignored, by specifying time integration for the temperature degree of freedom only.
我在它提供的程序中并没有找到只指定温度自由度的时间积分的语句,只有CNVTOL,HEAT 和CNVTOL,F,似乎还贴点边,但也不是。不知它在做得过程中是怎么实现的。此外,当考虑惯性效应和阻尼效应时,又该怎么设定??
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