最近在做一个关于非线性接触的实例。可无论我怎么调试,总是结果不收敛。并出现以下警告和错误,恳请哪位大侠或老师帮忙解答一下(我在论坛及其他地方看到过类似情况,但均没提出解决方法)。①There are 5761 small equation solver pivot terms.
②The value of UX at node 11942 is 4686826.84.It is greater than the
current limit of 1000000.This generally indicates rigid body motion
as a result of an unconstrained model.Verify that your model is
properly constrained.
③If one or more parts of the model are held together only by contact
verify that the contact surfaces are closed.You can check contact
status in the SOLUTION module for the converged solutions using
④Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load
or when buckling has occurred.You can plot the time history curve
for node 11942 in the UX direction to check for stiffness (slope of
the curve) approaching zero.
我猜想应该是第一个警告导致后面的警告和错误,但一直没有找到解决第一个警告的关键。等待哪位大师给予指点,谢谢! 也有可能是第2个,出现刚性移动是接触分析中接触对初始分开常见的问题,具体怎么处理去看接触分析指南,上面有详细说明。 还有就是你的网格质量太差;边界条件不充分。
回复 沙发 venture 的帖子
我看了那个,是否跟接触单元的KEYOPT有关呢? 我划分网格后,检查了网格时候合格,没有出现错误和警告的网格;至于边界条件,另一个和我加的边界条件是一样的,他的可以收敛…… 尝试封闭初始间隙,例如:ET,1,CONTA174,,,,,1
回复 6楼 jxxansys 的帖子
嗯,我试试…… 回复 7 # wawaandyatou 的帖子你的这个问题解决了吗?我也遇到这种问题了,望指点