RT,怎么用matlab处理.nev和.nsx格式文件?读取,并绘出文件中的数据,网上找不到这两个文件的格式,ultraEdit打开是乱码,急,哪位大师帮下忙,谢谢回复 楼主 chmy 的帖子
楼主方便说明下.nev和.nsx是什麽软件的文件格式!?基本上, binary的文件必须知道其文件格式, 才可以利用fread读取!
回复 沙发 ChaChing 的帖子
谢谢 我也不知道是什么软件的文件 我只有一个PDF一点点的介绍 这是.nsx的说明Header
The file begins with a file header. All Char arrays are not guaranteed to be 0 terminated; they will be
only if the string is actually shorter than the maximum length allowed. All multi-byte data types will
be stored in little-endian format.
Field Type Length(Bytes) Description
File ID Char array 8 Always set to “NEURALSG” for Neural Sample Group’0’ terminated only if fewerchars than allocated
Label Char array 16 Label of the sampling group e.g. 1 kS/s or LFP Low’0’ terminated only if fewer chars than allocated
Period Unsigned int-32 4 Number of 1/30,000 seconds between data points e.g. sampling rate of 30 kS/s = 1; 10 kS/s = 3
Channel CountUnsigned int-32 4 Number of channels per data point
Channel ID Array of unsigned int-32Variable(4 bytes per chan)Electrode number for each channel being sampled and data saved. This number will correspond exactly with the “electrode number” of section 3. There will be exactly “Channel Count” number of entries in this field.
Immediately following the header will be the “data” section.
Each entry in the data section corresponds to a single point in time, and the entries are in order of
increasing time. Each entry consists of the samples from multiple channels and is defined as follows:
Field Type Length(Bytes) Description
Data point Array of signed int-16 Variable(2 bytesper chan) This corresponds to a single data collection point
There will be exactly “Channel Count” number of datapoints. They will be sorted in the same order as they arepresented in “Channel ID”. 瞄了下! 这个不就是文件格式!? help fread 本帖最后由 tiger1981 于 2011-6-4 11:49 编辑
你自己按照文件格式来写代码吧, 这里面有很多技巧, 当时我也是这么过来的, 没人帮助我. 你可以看看Cerebus/ BlakckRock自己的一个MATLAB routine 叫做SAC,. 里面有读nev的函数.
回复 5 # tiger1981 的帖子
建议直接给个连接!? 谢谢,正在学习这个格式