zhouxman 发表于 2009-4-27 15:37



16443 发表于 2009-4-27 19:27

回复 楼主 zhouxman 的帖子

        GCGEN, Ccomp, Tcomp, NUMC, RADC, Tlab, Shape

Name of the component containing nodes on the contact surface . Assemblies are not permitted.

Name of the component containing nodes on the target surface. Assemblies are not permitted.

Generate NUMC contact elements whose contact node is closest to the centroid of each target element face. If Shape = TRI, the program will generate 2*NUMC CONTAC49 elements for each quadrilateral target element face. (That is, each triangular contact element base will be connected to NUMC contact nodes.) Defaults to an unlimited number of contact elements generated per target face.

Generate contact elements whose contact node is within a radius of RADC measured from the centroid of each target element face. Defaults to no limit on the radius.

Label to identify the target surface of line or shell elements. The top surface will be used unless Tlab = BOT. Tlab is ignored if the target elements are solids.

Label that controls the shape of CONTAC49 element bases. Using the TRI feature can sometimes improve contact performance if the target elements have warped quadrilateral faces:
(blank) --
The contact element bases will have the same shape (triangular or quadrilateral) as the corresponding target element faces (default).
TRI --
The contact element bases will always be triangular.

Generates 2-D contact (CONTAC48) or 3-D contact (CONTAC49) elements. Each contact element connects nodes on a target element face to a contact node. The "target" end of a contact element is called the contact element base. A target element face is defined as a face on a selected element whose nodes belong to the target component. If the selected element is a solid then the target face must also be external to the model, while for a line or shell element all nodes of the element will belong to the target face. The active element type attribute (TYPE) must be a contact element (CONTAC48 or CONTAC49) and must match the dimensionality of the target element. The other active attributes (MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS) will be used for the generated elements. The target elements must be defined before using this command. Midside nodes on target element faces are ignored.

It is highly recommended to use newer CONTA171-175 elements instead of CONTAC48-49.

zhouxman 发表于 2009-4-27 20:22

谢谢啊有这一句看来 是不推荐使用 可能有些问题的 我说呢 用这个分析总是出问题
It is highly recommended to use newer CONTA171-175 elements instead of CONTAC48-49.

JLBhaidao 发表于 2012-9-6 10:30

回复 2 # 16443 的帖子


犟牛 发表于 2012-9-6 10:35

JLBhaidao 发表于 2012-9-6 10:30 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 2 # 16443 的帖子


好像ansys 10以后没有这个命令了

JLBhaidao 发表于 2012-9-6 10:37

回复 5 # 犟牛 的帖子

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