aspen 发表于 2006-3-10 10:52


Here is just about everything I know about inquiry functions. They are similar to *GET functions in usage, and have two input arguments. Here's an example. <BR><BR>a=ndinqr(33,1) <BR><BR>In this case, "a" will be assigned a value of -1 if node 33 is unselected, 0 if it is undefined, and 1 if it is selected. This is an example of using an inquiry function to obtain information about a specific entity, in this case node 33. <BR><BR>An alternative use of an inquiry function is to find more generic data about a certain kind of entities. The following example illustrates this. <BR><BR>a=ndinqr(0,14) <BR><BR>This will assign to parameter "a" the highest node number defined in the model. Notice that the first argument is zero, and the second argument is 14. <BR><BR>Here are the inquiry functions I am aware of. <BR><BR>ndinqr(node,key) node number or zero, and key number <BR>elmiqr(elem,key) <BR>kpinqr(keypoint,key) <BR>lsinqr(line,key) <BR>arinqr(area,key) <BR>vlinqr(volume,key) <BR>rlinqr(real,key) <BR>gapiqr(gap element,key) <BR>masiqr(master DOF,key) <BR>ceinqr(constraint equation,key) <BR>cpinqr(coupled set,key) <BR>csyiqr(coord system,key) <BR>etyiqr(element type,key) <BR>foriqr(nodal force,key) <BR><BR>All of these work pretty much the same, with the first argument used as either an entity ID number (for data about a specific node, element, etc.) or a zero if the information is about a class of element (number of selected nodes, etc.) <BR><BR>The key numbers are defined as follows. <BR><BR>key=1 return select status (for a specific entity) <BR>key=12 return number of defined entities (KP's, nodes, etc.) <BR>key=13 return number of selected entities <BR>key=14 return the highest ID number in use <BR><BR>There a few other inquiry functions which have a slightly different format. <BR><BR>mpinqr(mat,prop,key) material property table number, property number, key additional key=3 for number of temps used in a specific property <BR><BR>dget(node,idof,kcmplx) node number, displacement pointer, complex key displacement pointers are... <BR>1=ux, 2=uy, 3=uz, 4=rotx, 5=roty, 6=rotz, 7=ax, 8=ay 9=az, 10=vx, 11=vy, 12=vz, 19=pres, 20=temp, 21=volt, 22=mag, 23=enke, 24=ends, 25=emf, 26=curr <BR>complex key=0 for real, 1 for imaginary <BR><BR>fget(node,idof,kcomplx) same definition as dget, but for forces this time. <BR>Posted by John Crawford on 10.28.1997 <BR>   <BR>Additional Inquiry Function <BR>Some time ago I dug out one additional Key: <BR>NUMS value for the entity: <BR><BR>ndinqr(0,25) <BR>elmiqr(0,25) <BR>kpinqr(0,25) <BR>lsinqr(0,25) <BR>arinqr(0,25) <BR>vlinqr(0,25) <BR><BR>It is sometimes handy for use in macros. <BR>Posted by Juha Tyllinen on 10.28.1999 <BR>   <BR>Inquiry Functions for Sections <BR>I have looked at the code and can confirm Tyllinen Juha's observation. It will work in 5.5, 5.6, and not likely to change. <BR><BR>"Quick testing seems to indicate that Section number would be available with sn = elmiqr(n,-4), where n is the element number. At least that is the way it worked in 5.5.1 with Beam188 and Beam189." <BR><BR>Other possibilites for element characteristics <BR>-1, material number <BR>-2, element type <BR>-3, real constant number <BR>-4, Element Section ID number <BR>-5, coordinate system number <BR>Posted by Grama Bhashyam on 10.29.1999 <BR>   <BR>Useful Inquiry Functions <BR>Nodes ndinqr(node,key) <BR>node - node number, should be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - information needed <BR>    = 1, return select status: <BR>    = 12, return number of defined nodes <BR>    = 13, return number of selected nodes <BR>    = 14, return highest node number defined <BR>    = -2, superelement flag <BR>    = -3, master degrees of freedom bit pattern <BR>    = -4, active degrees of freedom bit pattern <BR>    = -5, solid model attachment <BR>    = -6, pack nodal line parametric value <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, node is undefined. <BR>   = -1, node is unselected. <BR>   = 1, node is selected. <BR>       <BR>Element elmiqr(ielem,key) <BR>ielem - element number, should be zero for key = 12, 13, or 14 <BR>key - information flag <BR>    = 1, return select status <BR>   = 12, return number of defined elements <BR>    = 13, return number of selected elements <BR>    = 14, return maximum element number used <BR>    = -1, material number <BR>    = -2, type. <BR>   = -3, real. <BR>    = 4, element section ID number <BR>    = 5, coordinate system number <BR>    = 7, solid model reference <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, element is undefined <BR>    = -1, element is unselected <BR>    = 1, element is selected <BR>       <BR>Keypoints kpinqr(kpid,key) <BR>kpid - keypoint may be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - information flag. <BR>    = 1, select <BR>    = 12, number of defined <BR>    = 13, number of selected <BR>    = 14, highest number defined <BR>    = -1, material number <BR>    = -2, type <BR>    = -3, real number <BR>    = -4, node number, if meshed <BR>    = -7, element number, if meshed <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = -1, unselected <BR>    = 0, undefined <BR>    = 1, selected <BR>       <BR>Lines lsinqr(lsid,key) <BR>lsid - line segment for inquire may be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - item to be returned <BR>    = 1, select status <BR>    = 2, length (in model units) <BR>    = 12 number of defined <BR>    = 13, number of selected <BR>    = 14, highest number defined <BR>    = -1, material number <BR>    = -2, type <BR>    = -3, real number <BR>    = -4, number of nodes <BR>    = -5, esys number <BR>    = -6, number of elements <BR>    = -8, number of element divs in existing mesh <BR>    = -9, keypoint 1 <BR>    = -10, keypoint 2 <BR>    = -15, section id <BR>    = -16, number of element divs for next mesh <BR>    = -17, 0 = hard / 1 = soft NDIV <BR>    = -18, 0 = hard / 1 = soft SPACE <BR>       <BR>Area arinqr(areaid,key) <BR>areaid - area for inquiry, may be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - key to information needed about the areaid <BR>    = 1, return select status <BR>    = 12, return number of defined <BR>    = 13, return number of selected <BR>    = 14, return highest number defined <BR>    = -1, return material <BR>    = -2, return type <BR>    = -3, return real <BR>    = -4, return number of nodes <BR>    = -6, return number of elements <BR>    = -7, return pointer to area in foreign db <BR>    = -8, return element shape <BR>    = -9, return mid-node element key <BR>    = -10, return element coordinate system <BR>    = -11, return area constraint information <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, areaid is undefined <BR>    = -1, areaid is unselected <BR>    = 1, areaid is selected <BR>for key = - 11 <BR>    = 0, no constraint on this area <BR>    = 1, symmetry constraint <BR>    = 2, anti-symmetry <BR>    = 3, both symmetry and anti-symmetry <BR>       <BR>Volumes vlinqr(vnmi,key) <BR>vnmi - volume for inquiry, may be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - information flag <BR>    = 1, return select status <BR>    = 12, return number of defined <BR>    = 13, return number of selected <BR>    = 14, return highest number defined <BR>    = -1, material <BR>    = -2, type <BR>    = -3, real <BR>    = -4, number of nodes <BR>    = -6, number of elements <BR>    = -8, element shape <BR>    = -9, mid-node element key <BR>    = -10, element coordinate system <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, node is undefined <BR>    = -1, node is unselected <BR>    = 1, node is selected <BR>       <BR>    = 0, real constant table is undefined. <BR>    = -1, real constant table is unselected. <BR>    = 1, real constant table is selected <BR>       <BR>Element Type etyiqr(itype,key) <BR>itype - element type number, should be 0 for key = 12 and 14 <BR>key - item to be returned <BR>    = 1, return select status: <BR>    = 12, return number of defined element types <BR>    = 14, return highest element type number defined <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, element type is undefined <BR>    = -1, element type is unselected <BR>    = 1, element type is selected <BR>       <BR>Real Constants rlinqr(nreal,key) <BR>nreal - real constant table number, should be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - information flag <BR>    = 1, select status <BR>    = 12, number of defined real constant tables <BR>    = 13, number of selected real constant tables <BR>    = 14, highest real constant table defined <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, real constant table is undefined. <BR>    = -1, real constant table is unselected. <BR>    = 1, real constant table is selected <BR>       <BR>Section Table sectinqr(nsect,key) <BR>nsect - section id table number, should be 0 for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>key - information flag <BR>    = 1, select status <BR>    = 12, return number of defined section id tables <BR>    = 13, return number of selected section id tables <BR>    = 14, return highest section id table defined <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, section id table is undefined. <BR>    = -1, section id table is unselected. <BR>    = 1, section id table is selected <BR>       <BR>Materials mpinqr(mat,iprop,key) <BR>mat - material number, should be 0 for key = 12 and 14 <BR>iprop - property reference number <BR>iprop = 0, test for existence of any material property with this material number (with key = 1) <BR>key - key as to the information needed about material property <BR>    = 1, return select status: <BR>    = 12, number of defined material properties <BR>    = 14, highest material property number defined <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1, iprop = 0 (test for existence of any material property with this material number) <BR>    EX = 1, EY = 2, EZ = 3, NUXY = 4, NUYZ = 5, NUXZ = 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8, GXZ = 9, ALPX = 10, ALPY = 11, ALPZ = 12, DENS = 13, MU =14, DAMP = 15, KXX = 16, KYY = 17, KZZ = 18, RSVX = 19, RSVY = 20, RSVZ = 21, C = 22, HF =23, VISC = 24, EMIS = 25, ENTH = 26, LSST = 27, PRXY = 28, PRYZ = 29, PRXZ = 30, MURX = 31, MURY = 32, MURZ = 33, PERX = 34, PERY = 35, PERZ = 36, MGXX = 37, MGYY = 38, MGZZ = 39, EGXX = 40, EGYY = 41, EGZZ = 42, TGXX = 43, TGYY = 44, TGZZ = 45, SONC = 46, SLIM = 47, ELIM = 48, ORTH = 54, CABL = 55, RIGI = 56, HGLS = 57, BM = 58, QRAT = 59, REFT = 60, PLAS = 61, CREE = 62, FAIL = 63, BH = 64, PIEZ = 65, SWEL = 66, WATE = 67, CONC = 68, PFLO = 69, ANEL = 70, ACOU = 71, EVIS = 72, USER = 73, NL = 74, HYPE = 75, NNEW = 76, MOON = 77, OGDE = 78, SUTH = 79, WIND = 80 <BR>for key = 1 (otherwise) <BR>    = 0, material prop is undefined <BR>    = 1, material prop is selected <BR>       <BR>Constraint Equations ceinqr(ceid,key) <BR>ceid - constraint equation number <BR>key - inquiry key, should be zero for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>   = 1, return select status <BR>    = 1, equation is selected <BR>    = 0, equation is undefined <BR>    = -1, equation is unselected <BR>    = 12, return number of defined constraint equations <BR>    = 13, return number of selected constraint equations <BR>    = 14, return number of highest numbered constraint equation defined <BR>    = -1, return master degrees of freedom for this equation <BR>      <BR>Couples cpinqr(cpid,key) <BR>cpid - coupled set number <BR>key - inquiry key, should be zero for key = 12, 13, 14 <BR>    = 1, return select status <BR>    = 12, return number of defined coupled sets <BR>   = 13, return number of selected coupled sets <BR>   = 14, return the number of the highest numbered coupled set <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 1, coupled set is selected <BR>    = 0, coupled set in undefined <BR>    = -1, coupled set in unseleted <BR>       <BR>Coordinate System csyiqr(csysid,key) <BR>csysid - coordinate system reference number, should be zero for key = 12 or 14 <BR>key - information flag. <BR>    = 1, return status: <BR>   = 12, number of defined coordinate systems <BR>    = 14, maximum coordinate system reference number used. <BR>output arguments: <BR>for key = 1 <BR>    = 0, coordinate system is not defined <BR>    = -1, coordinate system is not selected <BR>    = 1, coordinate system is selected <BR>       <BR>Warning and Error Messages erinqr(key) <BR>key - item to be returned <BR>    = 3, total number of notes displayed <BR>    = 4, total number of warnings displayed <BR>    = 5, total number of errors displayed <BR>    = 6, total number of fatals displayed <BR>

xiven2008 发表于 2006-3-10 18:59


hancunliang 发表于 2011-4-13 12:14


mobeimobei 发表于 2011-4-27 23:51

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