linden 发表于 2009-3-21 11:06


Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Remove repeated data points
         or try centering and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.

[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2009-3-21 21:21 编辑 ]

ChaChing 发表于 2009-3-21 20:47


qingqing5638 发表于 2009-4-11 13:05

回复 沙发 ChaChing 的帖子


无水1324 发表于 2009-4-11 19:40

回复 楼主 linden 的帖子


ChaChing 发表于 2009-4-11 23:00

回复 板凳 qingqing5638 的帖子

这个问题说来话长, 而且个人数值分析的东西已经忘了差不多了!
简单的说, 楼主所说的警示, 并非重覆点就一定会出现, 仅当其Orthogonal-triangular decomposition(QR)中的1-norm condition number (condest)非常大时才会出现, 当然会如此一般都是重覆点造成矩阵badly conditioned!
而且新旧版警示语是不同的, 楼主用的应该是V6.5附近的版本, 新版已经不是这个警语了!

ChaChing 发表于 2009-4-11 23:13

for v6.5
>> x = (0: 0.2: 1)'; y = erf(x); x2=; y2=;
>> p = polyfit(x,y,6)
Warning: Polynomial is not unique; degree >= number of data points.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:polyfit:PolyNotUnique" to suppress this warning.)
> In C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\matlab\polyfun\polyfit.m at line 68
p =    0.0030         0    0.1542   -0.4624    0.0215    1.1265    0.0000

>> p2 = polyfit(x2,y2,6)
Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Remove repeated data points
         or try centering and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:polyfit:RepeatedPointsOrRescale" to suppress this warning.)
> In C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\matlab\polyfun\polyfit.m at line 75
p2 =   -0.5730    1.7279   -1.8041    0.5743   -0.2310    1.1486    0.0000

>> p2 = polyfit(x2,y2,5)
p2 =    0.0090    0.1440   -0.4570    0.0202    1.1266    0.0000
>> p = polyfit(x,y,5)
p =    0.0090    0.1440   -0.4570    0.0202    1.1266    0.0000

for R2006a
>> x = (0: 0.2: 1)'; y = erf(x); x2=; y2=;
>> p = polyfit(x,y,6)
Warning: Polynomial is not unique; degree >= number of data points.
> In polyfit at 72
p =    0.0030         0    0.1542   -0.4624    0.0215    1.1265   -0.0000

>> p2 = polyfit(x2,y2,6)
Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Add points with distinct X
         values, reduce the degree of the polynomial, or try centering
         and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.
> In polyfit at 80
p2 =   -0.4050    1.2240   -1.2331    0.2720   -0.1574    1.1421   -0.0000

>> p = polyfit(x,y,5)
p =    0.0090    0.1440   -0.4570    0.0202    1.1266    0.0000
>> p2 = polyfit(x2,y2,5)
p2 =    0.0090    0.1440   -0.4570    0.0202    1.1266   -0.0000

for R2009a
>> p2 = polyfit(x2,y2,6)
Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Add points with distinct X
         values, reduce the degree of the polynomial, or try centering
         and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.
> In polyfit at 80
p2 =
   -0.5135    1.5496   -1.6021    0.4673   -0.2050    1.1463   -0.0000

**** other is same R2006a ****

[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2010-3-21 16:56 编辑 ]
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