plsdd 发表于 2009-3-4 09:27


The value of ROTY at node 522335 is 360560184. It is greater than the current limit of 1000000. This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model is properly constrained

If one or more parts of the model are held together only by contact verify that the contact surfaces are closed. Also make sure that there are constraints(or friction) in the sliding direction even if no load is applied in that direction, You can use the CNCHECK command to check the initial contact status in the SOLUTION module.

522335这个节点是加载力的作用点,这个点与模型中一个面建立了rigid接触(且定义为了面-面接触),6个自由度全部限制。当加载MX,    FZ或者MZ,    FX的时候,能计算得出结果,而且结果较为准确,但是,当同时加载MX,MY,MZ,FX,FY,FZ的时候,就会出上面的错,那个limit of 1000000是否可以人为改大一些?

接触全部定义为bonded(always)接触,不存在open的现象啊,为什么还要我verify that the contact surfaces are closed

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