运行仿真出错,提示如下:WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 3.0.
WARNING: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
NOTE:The set of redundant constraints has changed at time = 3.0.
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 3.0.
ERROR: The simulation is terminating at time = 3.0.
ADAMS can not solve the equations of motion because the mechanism has
"locked up." At least one constraintcanno longer be satisfied.
ADAMS is unable to satisfy the constraint for: JOINT testrig_1.JOINT_22 .
ERROR: Lockup detected
盼高手赐教!!!! 可以试试改求解器,如果是用的默认求解器的话,可以将I3换成SI2或S11