mcyoung 发表于 2008-9-3 10:04

overall 和 rms

好,各位,小弟问一个点检仪上的问题,看到点检仪分析上有一个overall 和 rms 的概念,见附件,然后看到它们的值很奇怪, 感觉和以前接触的信号分析仪不一样, 请问这里的overall 是不是 overall rms, 那么这里的rms又是什么rms值呢?

fengchunlijdb 发表于 2008-9-3 11:31


wycowboy 发表于 2008-9-3 16:29


mcyoung 发表于 2008-9-3 17:12

感谢两位 我自己琢磨了一下 overall是overall rms, rms是指在一定频带中的rms,这个频带由Fmax和Fmin确定。当然这是我的猜测,应该8 9不离10吧 呵呵

happyman 发表于 2008-9-5 20:36


The root-mean-square value of a time-varying quantity is obtained by squaring the function at each instant, obtaining the average of the squared values over the interval of interest, and then taking the square root of this average. For a sine wave, if you multiply the RMS value by the square root of 2 (1.414), you get the peak value of the wave. The RMS value, also called the effective value of the sound pressure, is the best measure of ordinary continuous sound, but the peak value is necessary for assessment of impulsive noises. Also, used to describe the mathematical process of determining the average value of a complex signal.

happyman 发表于 2008-9-5 20:37

Overall RMS Level

A measure of the total RMS magnitude within a specified frequency range.
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