dobee 发表于 2008-8-13 20:39


小弟根据做COM组件的例子逐条编译,在编译前先设置系统环境变量,并使用mbuild -setup命令链接编译器,情况如下:
>> mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:

Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers /n? y

Select a compiler:
Lcc C version 2.4.1 in C:\APPLICATION\MATLAB\sys\lcc
Microsoft Visual C/C++ version 6.0 in D:\Program Files


Compiler: 2

Please verify your choices:

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0
Location: D:\Program Files

Are these correct?(/n): y
Warning: Mbuild requires that the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
directories "VC98" and "Common" be located within the same parent directory.
(Expected to find a directory named "Common" in the directory 'D:\Program Files'.)
Try to update options file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\MathWorks\MATLAB\R14SP3\compopts.bat
From template:            C:\APPLICATION\MATLAB\BIN\win32\mbuildopts\msvc60compp.bat

Done . . .

--> ""C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwregsvr" "C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwcomutil.dll""

DllRegisterServer in C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwcomutil.dll succeeded

--> ""C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwregsvr" "C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwcommgr.dll""

DllRegisterServer in C:\Application\MATLAB\bin\win32\mwcommgr.dll succeeded
然后在command window中输入comtool命令,做COM组件,在添加*.m文件后生成COM组件的时候出现了如下错误:
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求助:做COM组件时出现错误,求高手指点