panwang 发表于 2005-12-23 09:16


<P>/PREP7 <BR>ET,1,SOLID164 <BR>   <BR>MPMOD,1,6 <BR>UIMP,1,DENS, , ,78000000, <BR>UIMP,1,EX, , ,1.2e11, <BR>UIMP,1,NUXY, , ,0.32, <BR>TB,BISO,1 <BR>TBDAT,1,1.09e8, <BR>TBDAT,2, , <BR>   <BR>MPMOD,2,7 <BR>UIMP,2,DENS, , ,79000000, <BR>UIMP,2,EX, , ,3e11, <BR>UIMP,2,NUXY, , ,0.29, <BR>EDMP,RIGID,2,7,7 <BR>    <BR>K, ,-0.02,-0.085,0, <BR>K, ,0.02,-0.085,0, <BR>K, ,-0.02,-0.080,0, <BR>K, ,0.02,-0.080,0, <BR>K, ,0.02,0,0, <BR>K, ,-0.02,0,0, <BR>GPLOT <BR>LSTR, 1, 2 <BR>LSTR, 2, 4 <BR>LSTR, 4, 3 <BR>LSTR, 3, 1 <BR>AL,all </P>
<P>FLST,2,1,5,ORDE,1 <BR>FITEM,2,1 !area1 <BR>FLST,8,2,3 <BR>FITEM,8,5 !keypoint(5,6) <BR>FITEM,8,6 <BR>VROTAT,P51X, , , , , ,P51X, ,360, , <BR>BLOCK,-0.01,0.01,-0.092,-0.082,0.06,0.14, <BR>vatt,1,1,1 <BR>LESIZE,44, , ,40, , , , ,1 !the number of line75 is 40 <BR>LESIZE,39, , ,15, , , , ,1 <BR>LESIZE,38, , ,8, , , , ,1 <BR>MSHAPE,0,3D <BR>MSHKEY,1 <BR>vmesh,5 !volume5 is meshed <BR>    <BR>vatt,2,1,1 <BR>LESIZE,17, , ,20, , , , ,1 !the number of line75 is 40 <BR>LESIZE,19, , ,15, , , , ,1 <BR>LESIZE,14, , ,3, , , , ,1 <BR>LESIZE,21, , ,20, , , , ,1 <BR>MSHAPE,0,3D <BR>MSHKEY,1 <BR>vmesh,1,4 !meshing volume(1,2,3,4) </P>
<P>VSEL,S, , , 5 ! select volume5 <BR>NSLV,S,1 !the nodes is attached to volume <BR>NPLOT <BR>CM,slab,NODE !define component(slab) <BR>ALLSEL,ALL <BR>APLOT <BR>   <BR>edpart,create !creatw part ID <BR>EDCGEN,ASTS,SLAB, 2,0.35,0.18,0,0,0, , , , ,0,10000000 !define contact pair </P>
<P>ASEL,S, , , 23 !select area39 <BR>NSLA,S,1 !nodes attached to area <BR>NPLOT <BR>D,ALL, ,0, , , ,UY, , , , , !apply load to nodes(uy=0) <BR>ALLSEL,ALL <BR>APLOT <BR>*DIM,time,ARRAY,2,1,1, , , <BR>TIME(2,1,1) = 1 <BR>*DIM,rots,ARRAY,2,1,1, , , <BR>ROTS(2,1,1) = 6.28 <BR>EDIVELO,SLAB,0,0,-0.53,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, <BR>EDLOAD,ADD,RBRX,1, 2,TIME,ROTS, 0, , , <BR>EDENERGY,0,1,0,0 <BR>TIME,0.3, <BR>EDRST,100, <BR>EDHTIME,1000, </P>
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