huangjun551 发表于 2007-12-28 21:50


各位好!我在模拟一个流固耦合时,运算没有通过,错误提示为:* ERROR ***                           CP =    1988.594   TIME= 22:06:55
One or more elements have become highly distorted.Excessive         
distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for   
corrective action elsewhere.Try ramping the load up instead of step   
applying the load (KBC,1).You may need to improve your mesh to      
obtain elements with better aspect ratios.Also consider the behavior
of materials, contact pairs, and/or constraint equations.If this      
message appears in the first iteration of first substep, be sure to   
run shape checking of elements.                                       
我得模型就是一个中间狭窄的软管,液体为水,加载为正弦的压力函数,最大为1000pa,用的是sweep的网格划分方式,感觉网格还凑合吧.请教一下各位高人,应该如何解决呢?:'( 困惑中,盼赐教,谢谢
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