研究僧 发表于 2007-11-28 01:09


In ABAQUS, we have a spring element SPRINGA. This is a nonlinear spring element. So we can give the stiffness of the spring as many x, y(x) values to define the nonlinear curve.
Suppose these values for a SPRINGA element are given in an INP file as follows
x1, y1
x2, y2
x3, y3
Then using ABAQUS Standard I start a static analysis. For a static analysis these values I need not change right from beginning to end of the analysis time of the ABAQUS. But for a dynamic analysis I need to change these x, y(x) values at every time step of the dynamic force applied at the nodes of the spring. But once I give the input file to ABAQUS command, I can not change the values of x, y(x) in the input file during the analysis time of ABAQUS.
But I have to give a set of x, y(x) values
for every time step of the time dependent forcing function because
spring stiffness will get changed for the application of dynamic load in a field of practical case.

zhangmeng 发表于 2007-11-28 12:00


messenger 发表于 2007-11-30 00:49

在ABAQUS中,有一个非线性弹簧单元SPRINGA。其弹簧刚度以 x, y(x)非线性曲线的形式给出。


x1, y1
x2, y2
x3, y3

那么在用ABAQUS Standard求解时,我首先进行静力分析。在静力分析中,整个ABAQUS的分析过程我都不需要改变这些数值。

但是动力分析时,在对弹簧节点施加动荷载的每一个时间步上,我都需要改变这些x, y(x)值。

可是一旦我执行了ABAQUS输入文件的命令,就不能在ABAQUS分析过程中改变输入文件中的这些x, y(x)值了。

但是我必须在每一个与加荷有关的时间步上给出一组x, y(x)的值,因为实际上弹簧刚度是随动荷的施加而改变的。

研究僧 发表于 2007-12-1 01:31


zhangmeng 发表于 2007-12-2 18:05


研究僧 发表于 2007-12-4 21:33


zhangmeng 发表于 2007-12-5 09:57

对不起 我还没具体试试呢
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