我们知道,随机信号的自功率谱密度可以由周期图法等方法求得,基本做法是把时域采样序列直接求DFT,幅值平方后再对序列长度平均即得。但是,如果求两个随机序列的互功率谱,也就是有两个序列的情况下怎么用周期图法呢?matlab函数cpsd(之前是csd)好像是封装好的,调不出来其源代码。请高手点睛,谢谢。 我这里可以调出cpsd源码的啊,看看吧!
function varargout = cpsd(x,y,varargin)
%CPSD Cross Power Spectral Density (CPSD) estimate via Welch's method.
% Pxy = CPSD(X,Y) returns the Cross Power Spectral Density estimate,
% Pxy, of the discrete-time signal vectors X and Y using Welch's
% averaged,modified periodogram method.By default, X and Y are
% divided into eight sections with 50% overlap, each section is windowed
% with a Hamming window and eight modified periodograms are computed and
% averaged.
% If the length of X and Y are such that it cannot be divided exactly
% into eight sections with 50% overlap, X and Y will be truncated
% accordingly.
% Pxy is the distribution of power per unit frequency. For real signals,
% CPSD returns the one-sided Cross PSD by default; for complex signals,
% it returns the two-sided Cross PSD.Note that a one-sided Cross PSD
% contains the total power of the input signal.
% Pxy = CPSD(X,Y,WINDOW), when WINDOW is a vector, divides X into
% overlapping sections of length equal to the length of WINDOW, and then
% windows each section with the vector specified in WINDOW.If WINDOW is
% an integer, X and Y are divided into sections of length equal to that
% integer value, and a Hamming window of equal length is used.If the
% length ofX and Y are such that it cannot be divided exactly into
% integer number ofsections with 50% overlap, they will be truncated
% accordingly.If WINDOW is omitted or specified as empty, a default
% window is used to obtain eight sections of X and Y.
% Pxy = CPSD(X,Y,WINDOW,NOVERLAP) uses NOVERLAP samples of overlap from
% section to section.NOVERLAP must be an integer smaller than the
% WINDOW if WINDOW is an integer.NOVERLAP must be an integer smaller
% than the length of WINDOW if WINDOW is a vector.If NOVERLAP is
% omitted or specified as empty, the default value is used to obtain a
% 50% overlap.
% = CPSD(X,Y,WINDOW,NOVERLAP,NFFT) specifies the number of FFT
% points used to calculate the Cross PSD estimate.For real signals, Pxy
% has length (NFFT/2+1) if NFFT is even, and (NFFT+1)/2 if NFFT is odd.
% For complex signals, Pxy always has length NFFT.If NFFT is specified
% as empty, thedefault NFFT -the maximum of 256 or the next power of
% two greater than the length of each section of X (and Y)- is used.
% Note that if NFFT is greater than the segment the data is zero-padded.
% If NFFT is less than the segment, the segment is "wrapped" (using
% DATAWRAP) to make the length equal to NFFT. This produces the correct
% FFT when NFFT < L, L being signal or segment length.
% W is the vector of normalized frequencies at which the PSD is
% estimated.W has units of rad/sample.For real signals, W spans the
% interval when NFFT is even and [0,Pi) when NFFT is odd.For
% complex signals, W always spans the interval [0,2*Pi).
% computed as a function of physical frequency (Hz).Fs is the sampling
% frequency specified in Hz.If Fs is empty, it defaults to 1 Hz.
% F is the vector of frequencies at which the Cross PSD is estimated and
% has units of Hz.For real signals, F spans the interval when
% NFFT is even and [0,Fs/2) when NFFT is odd.For complex signals, F
% always spans the interval [0,Fs).
% [...] = CPSD(...,'twosided') returns a two-sided Cross PSD of the real
% signals X and Y. In this case, Pxy will have length NFFT and will be
% computed over the interval [0,2*Pi) if Fs is not specified and over
% the interval [0,Fs) if Fs is specified.Alternatively, the string
% 'twosided' can be replaced with the string 'onesided' for real
% signals.This would result in the default behavior.The string
% 'twosided' or 'onesided' may be placed in any position in the input
% argument list after NOVERLAP.
% CPSD(...) with no output arguments by default plots the Cross PSD
% estimate in dB per unit frequency in the current figure window.
% Fs = 1000; t = 0:1/Fs:.296;
% x = cos(2*pi*t*200)+randn(size(t));% A cosine of 200Hz plus noise
% y = cos(2*pi*t*100)+randn(size(t));% A cosine of 100Hz plus noise
% cpsd(x,y,[],[],[],Fs,'twosided'); % Uses default window, overlap & NFFT.
% Author(s): P. Pacheco
% Copyright 1988-2003 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $$Date: 2004/04/13 00:17:42 $
% References:
% Petre Stoica and Randolph Moses, Introduction To Spectral
% Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1997, pg. 15
% Monson Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and
% Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
esttype = 'cpsd';
% Possible outputs are:
% Plot
% Pxx
% Pxx, freq
= welch({x,y},esttype,varargin{:});
if nargout == 0,
title('Cross PSD Estimate via Welch');
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