lxh076412 发表于 2005-11-29 20:36

[求助]interface,interior,internal boundary?

大侠们,请问interface,interior,internal boundary? 的区别是什么啊?

我现在建立了一个体,我用一个面把它split成两个体了(选了connected),我的目的是要分块划分网格。网格现在划分好了,但现在设置边界条件了,这些体的连接面要如何设置啊,(流体要流过中间面的),是interface,还是interior,还是internal 啊?
在FLUENT 里如何设置呢?


adminftp 发表于 2005-11-29 21:30



cora 发表于 2005-11-29 21:46


the interface condition is needed for connecting different grid in a model : non matching interface, sliding mesh interface, and so on

the interior condition is usefull if you have surfaces in you model which are part of the fluid. If you don't use interior condition gambit can considerer them as wall.

the internal condition is quite the same as interior but it will be merge in the adjacent interiors in the final mesh if you use tgrid. I think that this condition is useless if you use gambit

lxh076412 发表于 2005-11-30 09:45


thank you very much!
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