請問ArtemiS中的Tonality和tone to noise Ratio的定義???
請問ArtemiS中的Tonality和tone to noise Ratio的定義???請問ArtemiS中的Tonality和tone to noise Ratio的定義???
請問ArtemiS中的Tonality和tone to noise Ratio的定義??? 你可以向朗德公司的技术支持问啊。软件有售后服务的哦。 artemis的帮助里有定义吧,朗德的声学基础培训里有讲过。 好像是用来处理通讯中的声音处理比较多吧 大侠们赐教一下,怎样才能在电脑里装上这个分析软件,电子狗哪里可以买,大概多少钱的啊~ 这个软件和现在用的主流软件(vl、actran、sea)相比!有什么优势所在! 回复此贴我是为了做个记号方便下次再来学习的 回复 16 # superda 的帖子Tonality:
Tonality is a measure of the proportion of tonal components in the spectrum of a signal and allows a distinction between tones and noises. Tones consist mainly of tonal components which show in the spectrum as pronounced peaks. Noise and broadband noises have no or little tonality.
Tone-to-Noise Ratio:
Just like the Prominence ratio analysis, the purpose of this analysis is to identify tonal components in a signal and to present them as numeric values. The tone-to-noise ratio is defined as the power of a tone compared to the noise power of the frequency group surrounding the tone frequency.
Reference Source: Artemis online help 谁有ArtemiS10可以分享吗?我的邮箱ZtoulangM@126.com,不胜感激