TNC 发表于 2005-6-25 08:34

Acoustoelasticity: General theory, acoustic natural modes and forced respon

<P></H2><STRONG>E. H. Dowell, G. F. Gorman, III and D. A. Smith </STRONG><br><br>Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, U.S.A. <br><br>Received 2 October 1976;revised 11 January 1977.Available online 25 July 2003. <BR clear=all><br><br>
<P>A comprehensive theoretical model has been developed for interior sound fields which are created by flexible wall motion resulting from exterior sound fields. Full coupling between the wall and interior acoustic cavity is permitted. An efficient computational method is used to determine acoustic natural frequencies of multiply connected cavities. Simplified formulae are developed for interior sound levels in terms of cavity, wall and external acoustic field parameters. Comparisons of theory and experiment show generally good agreement. </P></DIV>
<P><a href=";_cdi=6923&amp;_auth=y&amp;_acct=C000050221&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=985bd320248f367e2e315df6ec5c46a3" target="_blank" ><STRONG><FONT face=Verdana size=4>Journal of Sound and Vibration</FONT></STRONG></A><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=4> <br><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: smaller; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><a href=";_tockey=%23TOC%236923%231977%23999479995%23442282%23FLP%23display%23Volume_52,_Issue_4,_Pages_459-621_(22_June_1977)%23tagged%23Volume%23first%3D52%23Issue%23first%3D4%23Pages%23first%3D459%23last%3D621%23date%23(22_June_1977)%23&amp;_auth=y&amp;view=c&amp;_acct=C000050221&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=aae0953a7346bb72400c7978b822c6e7" target="_blank" >Volume 52, Issue 4</A> , 22 June 1977, Pages 519-542</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-25 8:35:06编辑过]

TNC 发表于 2005-6-25 08:35


心灯 发表于 2005-6-25 11:45


FSI 发表于 2005-6-25 11:50

<strong> E. H. Dowell偶像啊<br>

phoenixer 发表于 2006-4-19 14:37


hyjhfx 发表于 2006-7-20 14:21

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