the boiling of the droplets
the initial source
two source terms controlling the vapor's condensation rate and the water's evaporation rate, respectively.the energy source term controlling the mixture phase's heat transfer.
contant temperature on both the up and the bottom surfaces.
[ 本帖最后由 zjj7070702004 于 2008-1-18 03:22 编辑 ]
the last state of the boiling process
the last state of the boiling process showing the random state of the bubble, and no pure droplet exists.[ 本帖最后由 zjj7070702004 于 2008-1-18 03:21 编辑 ] 原帖由 zjj7070702004 于 2008-1-18 03:17 发表
two source terms controlling the vapor's condensation rate and the water's evaporation rate, respectively.
the energy source term controlling the mixture phase's heat transfer.
pre ...
能否将你的source terms具体如何控制的,给介绍一下,好让我也学习计算这类问题~! 以前做过一个沸腾的 呵呵,例子算得不错。
不过,能不能就这个例子把你的source terms给我们解释一下?:handshake
Set the energy source term of the mixture
Set the energy source term of the mixtureSet the liquid source term
Set the liquid source termSet the vapor source term
Set the vapor source term
the boiling in a overheated cylinder capillary
the boiling in a overheated cylinder capillary 这个程序对汽化潜热和饱和温度的处理还是太简单了,有兴趣的朋友联系我:12823395 顶上去期待更多高人答复 zjj7070702004:
希望能指点一下,或者再把你做的CASE 再讲讲。
BTW:你的FLUENT是哪个版本的?我的里面怎么看不到Number of mass source这一项呢?
[ 本帖最后由 tannoy 于 2008-9-9 09:48 编辑 ]