suffer 发表于 2007-6-17 10:15


Mathematica MathTensor 张量分析      
Mathematica TSiDynamics 机械动力系统   
Wavelet Explorer 讯号及影像分析      
Control System Professional 控制系统   
Database Access Kit 数据库存取         
Dynamic Visualizer 三维绘图            
Electrical Engineering Examples 电机工程范例
Experimental Data Analyst 实验资料分析
Finance Essentials 财务分析            
Fuzzy Logic 模糊逻辑                  
Mathematica Link for ExcelExcel 连结
Mechanical Systems 机械系统            
Optica 光学设计                        
Parallel Computing Toolkit 平行运算   
Scientific Astronomer 太空工程         
Signals and Systems 讯号处理分析      
Structural Mechanics 结构力学         
Technical Trader贸易                  
Mathematica Time Series 时间序列      
3D Explorer 三维绘图                  
Analog Insydes 模拟电路               
Derivatives Expert 2 财务利率         
Geometrica 几何 25000 20000
Global Optimization 全域非线性最佳化   
Industrial Electromagnetism 电磁设计   
Industrial Optimization 最佳化         
Industrial Thermics 热传分析            
Leibniz 可程序化文书处理               
Math Everywhere Courseware Series 数学教学课程
MathCode C++ C语言产生器               
Mathematica Link for LabVIEW LabView连接
Nodal 电子电路分析                     
Operations Research 作业研究            
Tensors in Physics 物理张量分析         
TSi ProPac 多体动力系统   

Handling complex symbolic calculations that often involve hundreds of thousands or millions of terms

Loading, analyzing, and visualizing data Solving equations,differential equations, and minimization problems numerically orsymbolically

Doing numerical modeling and simulations, ranging from simple controlsystems to galaxy collisions, financial derivatives, complex biologicalsystems, chemical reactions, environmental impact studies, and magneticfields in particle accelerators

Facilitating rapid application development (RAD) for engineering companies and financial institutions

Producing professional-quality, interactive technical reports or papers for electronic or print distribution

Illustrating mathematical or scientific concepts for students from K-12 to postgraduate levels

Typesetting technical information--for example, for U.S. patents

Giving technical presentations and seminars

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stone2 发表于 2009-1-29 09:02

thank you very much

cross_ 发表于 2009-6-6 06:50

:'( :'( :'(

sysloading 发表于 2009-6-20 01:41


snowhunter 发表于 2009-6-25 17:31


忠诚憨厚 发表于 2009-7-16 10:48


applemac1983 发表于 2010-1-4 19:46

kankan nengbunengyong

dengdjj 发表于 2010-1-13 08:05

学习一下 感谢楼主提供信息

dexter 发表于 2010-1-24 03:06

gd post suppport!

chshw100 发表于 2011-7-27 08:51


hitvip 发表于 2012-2-19 13:14

mathtensor 一直在寻找的东东,太难找了,哪位有消息? 谢谢

mwlsir 发表于 2012-4-16 09:10


LXF910 发表于 2012-6-5 12:39


zswseu 发表于 2012-9-19 13:42

能直接下载么。| 发表于 2012-9-22 08:17

这个英文性的东西太多了看着就头大 哈哈 当时学英文时间 也没什么感觉哈现在都就着饭菜吃光了!
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