Hikki326 发表于 2007-6-5 09:05



Reading in property files...
Reading of property files completed.
Setting up the vehicle assembly for Driving Machine maneuver...
The engine map output communicator has not been found in the powertrain subsystem.
Using max driving/braking torque variables.
The front/rear wheel/tire assembly has not been found.
Setting default values for SmartDriver Pro.
Setup of vehicle assembly completed.
Simulation is beginning...
Starting analysis #1 of vehicle assembly...

   *                                                            *
   *               MSC.Software Corporation                   *
   *                                                            *
   *                  A D A M S / S o l v e r                   *
   *                                                            *
   *      Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems      *
   *                                                            *
   *      2007-06-05 08:55:17            Version 2005.2.0   *
   *                                                            *
   *                                                            *

   Enter ADAMS model file name or Carriage Return or ? (or STOP):

   No model input file (ADM file) is given.

   Enter Command:
   A new model supplied.Initialization starts...

   The default input and analysis values will be restored.

   CPU time used = 4.68750E-02 seconds
   ADAMS/Car 2005.2.0
   ID = 1
   Enter ADAMS model file name or Carriage Return or ? (or STOP):
   Enter ADAMS output file name or ? (default is same as input):
   ADAMS model file .. k_accel.adm

   Default file names for output files

   Tabular output file:

   Diagnostic file    :

   Message Database file    :

   Graphics file      :

   Request file       :

   Results file       :

   Input Phase - Reading in Model

   ADAMS/Solver dataset Title:
   ADAMS/Car Assembly (v2005.2.0)
   Reading of model complete.

   Input Phase - Populating Solver database

---- ERROR ----
   A larger LD array is required.
   The error occurred in subroutine "LOAD_R" while allocating "CHAR" space
   for the "Routine name".
   Space Available:0    Space Requested:1

   ADAMS/Solver requires more program memory to run this model.
   Be aware that the above figures for Space available and Space
   requested only reflect the current requirements.Additional space
   may be required later in the solution process.

   Several off-the-shelf memory configurations are available and
   custom configurations may be created.The available memory models
   and the corresponding array sizes are:
      NAME      LCEXPR   LDSIZ
      STANDARD   100   2,000
      LARGE      200   2,000
      EX-LARGE   300   5,000
      HUGE      1000    50,000

   where the columns correspond to:
       LCEXPR : Maximum number of lines in a Function
       LDSIZ: Maximum total number of lines in all Functions

   To use an alternative setting, you have to start the ADAMS 'Settings'
   program.It can be found using the Start menu:

   Start -> Programs -> MSC.Software -> MSC.ADAMS -> ADAMS-Settings

   Terminating ADAMS/Car usersubs...
   ID = 1

      ADAMS/Solver execution terminated by subprogram LSPACE

   CPU time used = 1.2188 seconds

ERROR:A lookup operation was still in progress when AMD was shut down.
ERROR:   Error type:ae_lookup_unfinished
ERROR:   Parent name: .k_accel
ERROR:   Parent type: ao_model
ERROR:   Search type: ao_field
ERROR: Cannot load results!File 'k_accel.res' not found.
ERROR: Cannot load graphics!File 'k_accel.gra' not found.
Simulation is complete.

雅马哈 发表于 2007-6-8 19:41

ADAMS/Solver requires more program memory to run this model

liuzk113 发表于 2008-3-19 14:21

回复 楼主 的帖子


Email   liuzk113@163.com
qq      56591074

郜慧超 发表于 2013-10-7 22:23

雅马哈 发表于 2007-6-8 19:41 static/image/common/back.gif
ADAMS/Solver requires more program memory to run this model

大哥!您那有没有牵引车的模型啊 能给小弟一份不 小弟感激不尽 没齿难忘!还有 ADAMS中自带的truck整车模型能用吗 谢谢!!!

牛小贱 发表于 2013-10-24 22:02


周来军 发表于 2013-10-25 17:36

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