today is the first time to do an experience,i install the softeware those days.and today i try to do some matter about the hardware.but i met several questions to ask you:(english or chinese reply are both welclomed)
first,what is the function of hardware key(is it another word for hardware dongle)?
second,how to match(or pair) the hammer and accelebrators?and how to select them?
third,where do the accelobrator be set?i saw it was very samll,will it be sticked or...to the cut of the milling machine?
if any chinese books is available,please introduce to me,thank you!
i read the manual ,but it is too hard and i do not think it desripes clearly ,so i hope some one on this bbs can help me!:(english or chinese reply are both welclomed)
[ 本帖最后由 vib 于 2007-5-22 21:50 编辑 ] 。。。。if any chinese books is available,please introduce to me,thank you!。。。。
靠,都这样了还穷拽啊 请问你们用的设备是什么型号的(哪个公司的)?
我现在也在找这方面的设备,公司准备买 谁帮忙回答一下吧,里面有些单词有误,请见谅
特别是激振锤和加速度计的选择? 直接说干什么用和要求就完了,保险跟一堆来。我先占一个。 由于本人英文水平有限,所以用中文表述我的理解
hardware key:应该是用来匹配硬件和软件的密码狗,我们公司以前生产的硬件和软件都需要插上软件狗来才能用起来,加密狗的主要作用是防止软件的盗版,其用法很简单,只要将其插在电脑的USB接口上就可以的;
我对hammer and accelebrators的理解是力锤和加速度传感器,它们的选择都是根据实验需要选择的,具体的选择标准有:量程范围,频响,灵敏度,重量等等
我们公司主要生产振动测试仪器,主要开发测试用的软件和硬件,详细产品可以登陆www.dhtest.com 很是搞不懂楼主为什么要用E文?能给个理由吗,正如二楼所说,还讨要中文书籍。