VibInfo 发表于 2007-5-21 09:02


The 19th International Congress on Acoustics is organized by theSpanish Acoustical Society, SEA, and the Institute of Acoustics, IA,CSIC,and the collaboration of the Municipality of Madrid, under theauspices of the International Commission for Acoustics, ICA
Organizing Committee
Honorary President:
Andrés Lara

Juan A. Gallego-Juárez

Technical Chairs:
Antonio Pérez-López

Carlos Ranz-Guerra

J. Salvador Santiago

General Secretary and Manager:
Antonio Calvo-Manzano
Congress Structure
The Congress Programme will consist in the presentation of PlenaryLectures, Invited Papers and Contributed Papers in Structured Sessions.
Papers from all branches of Acoustics will be welcome.

VibInfo 发表于 2007-5-21 09:02

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查看完整版本: 第十九届国际声学大会