woliu 发表于 2007-4-26 08:29

有关Operating Conditions

我模拟的是一个进口,两个出口的这么一个模型(2D),而我的几何模型原点(0,0)就在第一出口上,我的第一出口给的是定压(静压101325pa),那我的Operating Conditions中压力给0还是101325pa,参考坐标是(0,0),该怎么给呢?

rikio 发表于 2007-4-26 09:05

回复 #1 woliu 的帖子

Operating Conditions中的压力就是101325,参考坐标就是进口的坐标(0,0)就可以了。。。

woliu 发表于 2007-4-26 09:11

但是我看到有些算例中:MA>0.1的流动,Operating Conditions中压强取为0啊,这是怎么回事?

rikio 发表于 2007-4-26 09:29

Operating pressure is less significant for higher-Mach-number compressible flows. The pressure changes in such flows are much larger than those in low-Mach-number compressible flows, so there is no real problem with roundoff error and there is therefore no real need to use gauge pressure. In fact, it is common convention to use absolute pressures in such calculations. Since FLUENT always uses gauge pressure, you can simply set the operating pressure to zero, making gauge and absolute pressures equivalent.

woliu 发表于 2007-4-26 09:50


岸上的鱼 发表于 2007-5-11 16:56

那请问, 低雷诺数饶流,the operating pressure 也可设置为零么?采用Fluent的默认设置?

petertian 发表于 2007-5-12 08:11

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