FSI 发表于 2005-10-30 14:19


<P><STRONG>Where</STRONG> Arrays allow a more compact notation for conditional assignment </P><PRE><CODE> real, dimension(100,100) :: a, b<br>
   b = a
   b = 0.0
end where
<P><STRONG>Mask operations</STRONG> There are also many conditional tests and masked intrinsics </P><PRE><p>
if (all(a==0.0)) write(*,*) 'a is zero'
if (any(a==0.0)) write(*,*) 'a has at least 1 zero element'
write(*,*) 'a has', count(a==1.0), ' elements equal to 1'
a = merge(0.000001, a, a==0.0)
b = sum(a, a&gt;0.0)
c = product(a+1.0, a&gt;=-1.0)
<P><STRONG>Assumed shape and automatic</STRONG> With array notation comes the possibility of assumed shape </P><PRE><p>
subroutine foo(a,b)
   real, dimension(:,:) :: a
   real, dimension(0:,-5:) :: b
end subroutine foo
and automatic arrays

subroutine foo(a)
   real, dimension(:,:) :: a
   real, dimension(size(a,1), size(a,2)) :: b
end subroutine foo
<P><STRONG>Case</STRONG> Often want to test for more than one condition. An if-then-elseif-else-endif tree is not suitable. Fortran 90 provides a case statement </P><PRE>select case(ch)<p>
         x = sin(y)
         x = cos(y)
   case default
         x = y
end select
<P><STRONG>Intent</STRONG> Fortran90 provides a mechanism to tell the compiler about how variables are used within a sub program. This allows the compiler to provide additional checking and optimisation. </P><PRE><p>
subroutine foo(a, b, c)
   real, intent(in) :: a
   real, intent(inout) :: b
   integer, intent(out) :: c
end subroutine foo
</PRE>now, something like a=1.0 inside foo will generate a compiler error. Also, c will be undefined on entry into foo
<P><STRONG>Optional arguments</STRONG> Subroutines and fuction can have optional arguments in Fortran90 </P><PRE><p>
function foo(a, b)
   real :: foo
   real, intent(in) :: a
   integer, intent(in), optional :: b

   if (present(b)) then
         foo = a**b
         foo = a
   end if
end function foo
<P><STRONG>Interfaces</STRONG> F77 did not have type checking for arguments to subroutines and functions. F90 allows the declaration of an interface to a sub program which the compiler will then enforce. </P><PRE><p>
program main
         real function fun(x)
             real :: x
         end function fun
   end interface

   real :: y

   y = fun(10.0) !Calling y=fun(1) will produce a compiler error.
end program main
<P><STRONG>Modules</STRONG> Modules provide a mechanism to package data types, derived types, function, subroutines and interfaces together. Including a module gains access to all public components within that module and automatically defines interfaces to all functions and subroutines within. </P><PRE> <p>
module foobar
   real :: a
   integer :: b
   subroutine foo(c, d)
         integer :: c
         real :: d

         d = d * a**c + b
   end subroutine foo
end module foobar
<P><STRONG>Using modules</STRONG> A module can then be used to gain access to its components </P><PRE><p>
program main
   use foobar

   real :: x

   x = 10.0
   b = 3
   call foo(5, x)
end program main
</PRE>Since the subroutine foo is within a module its interface is automatic and enforced by the compiler.
<P><STRONG>Modules cascade</STRONG> Modules can be cascaded. </P><PRE> <p>
module aaa
end module aaa

module bbb
   use module aaa
end module bbb

module ccc
   use module bbb
end module ccc
</PRE>Module ccc now has access to all public objects within module bbb and module aaa
<P>Being more specific, You can elect to <STRONG>use only certain objects from a module</STRONG> </P><PRE><p>
module bbb
   use aaa, only: foo, bar
end module bbb
</PRE>which only gains access to foo and bar within module aaa
<P><STRONG>Public and private</STRONG> You can state which objects within a module are publically available or private </P><PRE><p>
module foobar

   public :: foo

   real :: a
   real, public :: b

   subroutine foo(...)
   end subroutine foo

   subroutine bar(...)
   end subroutine bar
end module foobar
<P><STRONG>Derived types</STRONG> Ofter more complex data types are required. Fortran90 allows this through derived types. </P><PRE><p>
type particle
   real, dimension(3) :: pos, vel, acc
   real :: mass
   integer :: n
end type particle

type(particle) :: p

p%mass = 1.0
p%n = 1
p%pos = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 /)
p%vel = 0.0
p%acc = 0.0
<P><STRONG>Derived types may be extremely complex</STRONG> </P><PRE><p>
type particlebox
   type(particle), dimension(:), pointer :: particles
   real :: lx, ly, lz
end type particlebox

type(particlebox) :: box

box%particles(10)%mass = 1.0d0
<P><STRONG>Operators</STRONG> You can define your own operators with an interface block </P><PRE><p>
module a
   type point
         real :: x, y
   end type point

   interface operator(.dist.)
         module procedure calcdist
   end interface


   function calcdist(p1, p2)
         type(point) :: p1, p2
         real :: calcdist

         calcdist = sqrt((p1%x-p2%x)*&lt;strong&gt;2 + (p1%y-p2%y)&lt;/strong&gt;*2)
   end function calcdist
<P><STRONG>Dynamic memory</STRONG> Fortran90 introduced the concept of dynamic memory allocation and pointers. To dynamically allocate memory, an array must be declared allocatable </P><PRE> <p>
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: a

</PRE>Allocatable arrays can not be used within a derived data type. You need to use a pointer.
<P><STRONG>Pointers</STRONG> Unlike C style pointers, Fortran pointers point to a specific object. That object must be another pointer of the same type or a target. </P><PRE><p>
real, dimension(100,100), target :: a
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: b

</PRE>Now, both a and b refer to the same piece of memory. NOTE: b is NOT an array of pointers. It is a pointer to an array
<P><STRONG>More pointers</STRONG> You can allocate memory directly to a pointer as with an allocatable array </P><PRE><p>
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: a

</PRE>A call to nullify(a) after an allocate will cause a memory leak.
<P><STRONG>Pointers to subsections</STRONG> You can use pointers to reference a subsection of an array. Be aware that this may have a serious performance impact. </P><PRE> real, dimension(100,100), target :: a
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: b

<P><STRONG>The linked list</STRONG> One of the most useful features of derived types and pointers is the ability to create a dynamic structure called a link list. </P><PRE><p>
type node
   type(node), pointer :: next, prev
   real, dimension(100,100) :: a
end type node

type(node), pointer :: ll, cur
integer :: i

ll%next =&gt; ll
ll%prev =&gt; ll

cur =&gt; ll

do i = 1, 10
   cur%next%prev =&gt; cur
   cur%next%next =&gt; ll
   cur =&gt; cur%next
end do
</PRE>This creates a dynamic list of arrays. Now, indexing b effectively strides through the array a
<P><STRONG>Linked list operations</STRONG></P>Link lists can be grown <PRE>allocate(newnode)
newnode%prev =&gt; cur
newnode%next =&gt; cur%next
cur%next%prev =&gt; newnode
cur%%next =&gt; newnode<BR>
</PRE>and shrunk <PRE> oldnode =&gt; cur
cur%prev%next =&gt; cur%next
cur%next%prev =&gt; cur%prev
cur =&gt; cur%next

linqus 发表于 2005-11-1 17:04


zyzl 发表于 2005-11-2 17:58


meteorc 发表于 2005-11-21 21:59


tnt2002 发表于 2006-2-17 09:57


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