sffei 发表于 2007-2-28 17:46


??? Maple initialization failed.

[ 本帖最后由 sffei 于 2007-2-28 18:00 编辑 ]

eight 发表于 2007-2-28 18:47

原帖由 sffei 于 2007-2-28 17:46 发表
??? Maple initialization failed.

Solution Number: 1-1B0WE
Date Last Modified: 23 Feb 2007 Product: Symbolic Math ToolboxReported in Release: R13sp1Fixed in Release: Platform: All PlatformsOperating System: All OS
Subject:Why do I receive the error message "??? Maple initialization failed." when using the Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.0.1 (R13SP1)?
Problem Description:Whenever I use any symbolic command, I recieve an error message.

For example,
syms x y
z = x+y
which produces the error message:
error_msg : socket 1820 listen failed (err=10022).

??? Maple initialization failed.
and will generate the following segementation violation:
Segmentation violation detected at Mon Jun 23 18:25:04 2003
MATLAB Version: (R13)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Window System:Version 5.1 (Build 2600)
Processor ID: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine:Java 1.3.1_01 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Register State:
EAX = 012aef10EBX = 012aef10
ECX = 00000000EDX = 00000000
ESI = 013f67e0EDI = 00000000
EBP = 00df9b24ESP = 00df95bc
EIP = 10121139FLG = 00010206
Stack Trace:
maplec.dll:0x10121139(2, 0x00df9ed0, 1, 0x012aef10 "1;")
libmex.dll:_mexRunMexFile(2, 0x00df9ed0, 1, 0x00df9fd4) + 71 bytes
m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inCallMexFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int, struct mxArray_tag * * const,void (__cdecl*)(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const), struct _mex_context *,struct mexfiles *)(2, 0x00df9ed0, 1, 0x00df9fd4) + 476 bytes
m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inRunMexFile(int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const, struct mexfiles *)(2, 0x00df9ed0, 1, 0x00df9fd4) + 126 bytes
m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl inExecMexFile(int,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const,struct MATLAB_Function_tag *)(2, 1,0x00df9fd4, 0x01463848) + 82 bytes

Solution:All the Symbolic Toolbox functions call the Maple kernel, which is supported by Maplesoft, Inc. This problem is caused by the issue described at Maplesoft's support page at the following URL:


Note that this solution refers to the "maplew8.exe" file which, in MATLAB, is built into the "matlab.exe" file.

In addition, please note the paragraph stating that "Most personal firewall programs report that the executable requires network access. This is somewhat misleading since the executable is communicating with the mserver executable strictly on the local machine (through a TCP/IP connection)." Therefore, no information is actually sent through the internet.

This behavior only occurs when using Maple 8. Maple 8 was used in the Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.0 and later. You can determine which Symbolic version you are using by typing
ver symbolic
at the MATLAB Command Prompt.

sffei 发表于 2007-2-28 20:04

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