MSC.Patran has found nodes for which both SPCs and dependent MPC relationships exist. MSC.Nastran will not accept such a specification.The affected nodes have been placed in a group by the name of "BDF_WARNING_MPC_SPC_CONFL".You may choose to proceed with your specified course of action provided that there are no other problems, or you may choose to bypass the job submission, if requested, and modify the database.If you choose to proceed, the SPCs for the affected nodes will be omitted, thus creating an analysis deck that MSC.Nastran will accept, but which may not conform to your modeling specifications.
If you choose "YES", MSC.Patran will complete the requested tasks, including job submission, if no other problems are present.
If you choose "NO", the analysis deck will be translated, but no job submission will take place.
模型为对称的,取一半,背部固定123456自由度,对称面约束345自由度,圆孔面加total load 1000N,端面加total load 2160N.
BDF_WARNING_MPC_SPC_CONFL组内显示出两个节点node26 ,node33. 在load/BCS步骤加边界条件时,dependent面上的节点不要加约束 楼上说的“dependent面”是对称面吗?