bluepurplelight 发表于 2006-12-21 13:02



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The element type "name" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</name>".
Could not parse the file: d:\matlab7\toolbox\ccslink\ccslink\info.xml
>> p=linspace(3,100,5)
p =
    3.0000   27.2500   51.5000   75.7500100.0000
>> poly2sym(p)
error_msg : socket 2844 listen failed (err=10013).

??? Maple initialization failed.

Error in ==> mapleinit at 47

Error in ==> maple at 104
= maplemex(statement);

Error in ==> sym.maple at 85
= maple(statement);

Error in ==> sym.transpose at 18
   B = maple('transpose',A);

Error in ==> sym.poly2sym at 18
for a = c(:).'

Error in ==> poly2sym at 26
p = poly2sym(sym(c),sym(x));
页: [1]
查看完整版本: MATLAB的MAPLE初始化失败