wenminmin1 发表于 2006-11-14 16:14



[ 本帖最后由 suffer 于 2006-11-14 18:07 编辑 ]

suffer 发表于 2006-11-14 17:55


bessel Bessel functions of various kinds.
    Bessel functions are solutions to Bessel's differential
    equation of order NU:
             2                  2    2
            x * y'' +x * y' + (x - nu ) * y = 0

    There are several functions available to produce solutions to
    Bessel's equations.These are:

      BESSELJ(NU,Z)    Bessel function of the first kind
      BESSELY(NU,Z)    Bessel function of the second kind
      BESSELI(NU,Z)    Modified Bessel function of the first kind
      BESSELK(NU,Z)    Modified Bessel function of the second kind
      BESSELH(NU,K,Z)Hankel function
      AIRY(K,Z)      Airy function

    See the help for each function for more details.
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