skylark 发表于 2006-11-10 09:36


The LS-DYNA time step size should not exceed   0.780E-06
to avoid contact instabilities.If the step size is
bigger then scale the penalty of the offending surface.

       0 t 0.0000E+00 dt 0.00E+00 flush i/o buffers
       1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 5.03E-07 flush i/o buffers
       1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 5.03E-07 write d3plot file
       1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 5.03E-07 write ANSYS result file
    5000 t 2.5150E-03 dt 5.03E-07 flush i/o buffers
   10000 t 5.0305E-03 dt 5.03E-07 flush i/o buffers
   12920 t 6.4996E-03 dt 5.03E-07 write d3plot file
   12920 t 6.4996E-03 dt 5.03E-07 write ANSYS result file
   15000 t 7.5481E-03 dt 5.03E-07 flush i/o buffers
   20000 t 7.8478E-03 dt 1.09E-08 flush i/o buffers

*** Error negative volume in brick element #   13432 cycle   22652

******** minimum time step size reached *********
On a restart minimum timestep will be0.000E+00
   22652 t 7.8757E-03 dt-5.63E-07 write d3plot file
   22652 t 7.8757E-03 dt-5.63E-07 write ANSYS result file

E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n

Memory required for explicit solution:      2317139
Additional dynamically allocated memory:      29960
                                 Total:      2347099

T i m i n g   i n f o r m a t i o n
                        CPU(seconds)   %CPUClock(seconds) %Clock
Initialization ....... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
Element processing ... 1.6180E+03   98.42   1.6199E+03   98.49
Binary databases ..... 1.0000E+00    0.06   8.7600E-01    0.05
ASCII database ....... 1.0000E+00    0.06   1.2600E-01    0.01
Contact algorithm .... 1.7000E+01    1.03   1.6665E+01    1.01
Contact entities ..... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
Rigid bodies ......... 7.0000E+00    0.43   7.0990E+00    0.43
Implicit Nonlinear ... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
Implicit Lin. Alg. ... 0.0000E+00    0.00   0.0000E+00    0.00
T o t a l s            1.6440E+03100.00   1.6447E+03100.00

Problem time       =    7.8757E-03
Problem cycle      =   22652
Total CPU time   =      1644 seconds (   0 hours 27 minutes 24 seconds)
CPU time per zone cycle=      3151 nanoseconds
Clock time per zone cycle=      3153 nanoseconds

Number of CPU's   1
Start time   11/09/2006 23:00:12
End time   11/09/2006 23:27:42
Elapsed time   1650 seconds (   0 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds)

E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n


ybs309 发表于 2006-11-10 10:55

我以前做个类似的例子,但结果出现了ERROR termination ,后来我调整了时间步长,以及材料参数,normal termination .我觉得应该时间步长的问题,可以看看状态方程的选择是否合适.

skylark 发表于 2006-11-10 16:55

谢谢回复,如何调整时间步长呢?在time control里面调整吗?我以前默认的值是0.9,要调到多少才合适呢?

hello2001 发表于 2007-5-20 15:14

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求助:LS-DYNA算了一定的时间总是报错,帮忙看一下,谢了!